3: The Movies

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It was slightly cold inside of the movie theater that you and Henry were in but you couldn't feel it because of how warm and hot you were due to nervousness. You two were going to see Infinity War together which you were super nervous to do because of a few spoilers you saw. "Babe it's not that serious you'll be fine." He laughed(GIF above). You didn't think it was funny but you couldn't help but chuckle over how scared you were to see this movie. "I am not going to be ok!" You whisper yelled and held onto his arm. "You want some popcorn or anything?" You asked trying to get your mind off of the movie. "Yeah, I'll grab it." He kissed your temple and got in line as you waited on a bench by the entrance to the long aisle of auditoriums.


You and Henry walked hand in hand into theater 11 which was the last auditorium in the hallway. "O.M.G." You spelled out. Henry rubbed your arm and took a sip of the large soda cup in his hand. After exhaling through his mouth because of the fresh soda he reassured you that you would be alright. "You're alright. Let's do this." You found your seats and sat down taking a couple of deep breaths and drinking some soda. You closed your eyes through all of the ads thinking of everything that could possibly happen. Henry's arm reached over your chair and you leaned into his side taking in his strong scent of aloe and hair gel. The movie then began to start.


"But why did they have to do Spiderman like that!? He's just a kid!" You cried. "Heyy...you know he's gonna come back, it's ok." You wiped your eyes careful not to ruin what was left of your now running mascara. "They made his disintegration way worst and sadder than the others and that's not fair." You were upset. And you couldn't remind yourself that it was just a movie. "I know what'll make you feel better," Henry suggested. You didn't know what he could possibly do to make you feel better but you were accepting of his effort. "What?" You asked in a tired and drained manner which was due to all of your crying. "That huge live sized spiderman doll you've been wanting." You wondered how he knew you wanted that but it made you smile knowing he was getting it for you. "Really Hen?" You were now cheery despite the fact that you had seen what you just saw. "Really. We can head over right now and get it." He smiled. You now would have a superman life-sized doll because he's one of your favorite superheroes as well as Henry's, an ironman one, and now would add spiderman. You hugged him from the side with both of your arms, and his one arm around you as you both walked back to the car.

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