9: Anniversary Surprise pt 2

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You pulled up to the front of the place where Henry was filming at and grabbed your bag as you stepped outside of your car to get the valet driver. "Hey Sam," You hugged him. You had become familiar with the young boy over the course of the three months that Henry had been filming. He's always sweet and kind to you. "Hi y/n." You smiled and pulled away from the embrace. "I've got a pupper in the back, could you hold onto him until I get Henry out?" He nodded quickly and smiled with eagerness as he ran around to the side of your vehicle to greet the puppy that sat in the back of the car. Walking in through the double doors, a rush of cool air hit you in the face. And all around you clicking heels and the sounds of movement flooded the room. You knew that these people consisted of extras and producers that were all a part of Henry's new movie. To avoid the commotion that filled the elevators and hallways, you took the stairs to the second floor, which proved to be no problem hence the flat shoes you were wearing. On your way up you were full of excitement and you were so excited to see Henry you almost couldn't hold in the little squeal that dared to jump out. And finally, after the third flight of stairs, you were on the second floor where you would find your husband. Walking through the "Main Stage 1" room you saw a few from Henry's crew. They saw you too and waved. You smiled and walked up to his manager who had motioned his hands telling you to come over. "Hey Riley." He smiled at you and gave you a tight embrace as he usually did when you would visit Henry on set. "How are we today love?" He kissed your cheek and though it was unexpected you chuckled and replied. "I'm ok. Got a little something for Henry in the car so I need to know where the star of the show." You laughed and he pointed you in the direction of Henry. Walking around the green screen you saw him getting stuff wiped off of his face. Most likely some kind of makeup. "Heyy big guy." Upon seeing you his eyes lit up and he wore a huge smile on his face. Once you had reached him you draped your arms around his shoulders as his styling crew backed away. "Hey beautiful." Your other cheek had been imprinted with a kiss by him. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked grabbing your hand that laid on his buff and slightly sweaty chest. "I wanted to come and get you instead of you getting Raphael to drive you home. I got something for you." You were so excited to show him you couldn't wait for him to be done with everything. "Well, I've definitely gotta get out of this suit." He chuckled and you nodded against his head. "I'll wait with Riley." You placed a sweet kiss on his lips unexpectedly and so he was not prepared for it. Because of this, before you had the chance to walk away Henry grabbed your hand pulling you back to him. This time standing up and grabbing your face between his manly hands and kissing you again. Once you had pulled away from each other you left his presence with a smile on your face and went back to where you last saw his manager. And there he was still at the coffee-making section fixing the cups in place. "So how's your wife?" He looked up to you and began speaking to you as you waited for Henry...
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The two of you walked out hand in hand as you asked Henry questions about the movie. "So shootings coming along ok?" Crossing the street you realized you weren't that far away from your car because you could see and slightly hear Sam playing with the puppy. "Yeah it's going good but I don't wanna talk about work right now.  I wanna talk about how much I missed you today." He quickly and unexpectedly cupped his arm around your legs and brought you off of the ground and into his arms. "Henry!" You shouted. All he could do was laugh. You swung your arm over his shoulder to stabilize yourself. And after stealing many kisses from your lips he let you down on your feet carefully. "Why would you do that." You playfully slapped his chest and laughed at the moment and play. Fixing your skirt you grabbed his hand again and continued walking. "Now you can say I've swept you off your feet once again." He laughed hysterically at his own joke and that's what made it funny to you. You had reached the car and Sam was coming around with the keys. He and Henry shook hands and he left. "Henry I want you to meet someone." You pulled Henry around the car by pulling his arm and he finally made it around to see the puppy that would later become his best friend. "You didn't?" He said backing up a little. Kal wagged his little tail and barked happily at the sight of Henry. "He wants to know you Hen. Look at him!" Kal was so happy and excited and you couldn't resist but stick your hand in his little kennel to pet him. Henry had finally come closer to the car and did the same. Kal licked the palm of his hand before it could touch his head and Henry smiled so big you knew his cheeks had to be hurting but he didn't seem to mind. "I love you." He grabbed you and kissed you again pulling you into him. Your arms swung over his shoulders as you were kept in a tight hold by him. You pulled away and looked back down at the small black and white pup while holding on to the back of Henry's button-down, thinking of all the fun times the three of you will have.

Thanks for reading!

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