6: Anniversary Surprise

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Today was a very special day. The day that marked the two years of marriage between you and Henry. And the day that you would surprise Henry with a very special thing. Sitting at home, you were going to visit him on set because you couldn't wait to see him. On the way there you stopped by the pet store to pick up your gift. "Hi, how can I help you today?" The woman at the register greeted you with a very warm and welcoming smile. "Hello, I came in a couple of weeks ago and talked with someone about a puppy that you all would be receiving, and I wanted to know if you had gotten him in and when I could purchase him." You said. You really hoped someone else didn't buy the puppy already. "Oh yes, Mr.Hermit is right in the back waiting for you." She checked her counter notebook before heading to the back. You took a few seconds to linger around the store looking at all the different kinds of animals they had. In the background, you could hear a few barks and keys jangling. And soon the noise got closer until she came out in the front with a cage holding a little puppy inside. You smiled at him and bent down to let him become familiar with your smell. He was bigger than most puppies, which meant he was all the more loveable. He didn't look like a mister hermit to you though, so you decided to change his name. "I think I'll call you, Kal." The way his tongue hung out of his little mouth with his cheeks slightly pulled back, it looked like he was almost smiling at you. "How much?" You asked her ready to pay any price for this lovely pup. "He's $300." You reached your hand into your bag pulling out $300 in straight cash and handed it to her. You saw her eyes kind of bulge out of her head a little as she grabbed it counting it out on the counter. There are perks to dating an actor you thought. Once she was done you grabbed Kal after grabbing his papers and headed back to your all-black Jeep Wrangler. You sat Kal in the backseat and put yourself into the car to finally go meet Henry.

Part 2 coming soon :)

Thanks for reading!

Henry Cavill Imagines (y/n)Where stories live. Discover now