36: I'm Back

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Before we start the chapter I want to say that I happened to be looking through older chapters yesterday and noticed that I totally forgot to write a second part to chapter 18 wherein y/n grieves over the death of Clark. The chapter will have a relatively slow start but I promise it will be worth it. So here is part 2!


It's been two years since Clark died. The nights were always cold without him there with you. You cried yourself to sleep almost every night, even when there were no tears left to leave your eyes. He was constantly on your mind and every day since he left this earth your body ached in misery without him. You tried to be resilient but the majority of the time you remained empty, grieving over him. Today was another one of those days. You woke up from your deep sleep and tiredly rubbed your eyes. Before you got out of bed you checked your phone for any messages and noticed one missed call from your neighbor that lived three doors down from you. You decided that you would just call her later as she always calls with not so very important information. You swung your legs over the side of the bed and got up heading to your dresser to throw on a big t-shirt. But you decided instead to go for Clarks' drawer and pull out one of his to wear. You wouldn't have work until tonight so you could be alone with your thoughts like you're used to. You slid on your slippers and headed down the stairs to put a little something on your stomach so that you wouldn't get sick because of another night of skipping dinner because you cried the whole night. You decided on a bowl of oatmeal with different berries and cinnamon and sugar to add flavor.  After having your breakfast you sat on the couch and turned to the news to catch up on what was going on in your city. 

Upon flicking through the many news stations you quickly skimmed through and noticed a report on what looked to be like a mention of superman. You hurriedly turned back to the channel and cut the volume up as you were correct in what you thought you saw. You were prepared for it to be another tribute to Clark but as you listened closely you became frustrated...

"...Recently we have received reports of a possible sighting of the man of steel, as we have heard he was seen just a few hours ago and..."

No. It's not true, you thought. Henry is gone, you saw him fall out of the sky. You held him as he took his last breath. Why would someone say they saw him when you know for sure that he was long gone. It's been two years. As you listened to the person who made the claim you grew angrier. It was your neighbor from three doors down.

"...I was coming home from my volunteering and I wondered why this random guy was just staring at my neighbors' house but as I was about to confront him he turned to look at me and it was him. Then I tried to call my neighbor but I got no answer so I called you guys. I don't know why or how he ended up there but he was there!..."

She had to be lying. You rushed from your couch and up the stairs to throw on a pair of black jeans and a sweater to keep you from feeling the chilly air that was outside. After zipping up your boots and tying your hair into a high puff you headed for your front door. You flew down your front stairs and saw the camera crew wrapping up with your neighbor and getting prepared to leave. You rushed down to her and waited for her to be done with her conversation with one of them. "Hey Marie, I saw you called. I was just getting out of bed. Can I talk to you for a second?" You asked as you placed your hand on her arm. "Yes of course. I was just going to tell you that there was a man outside of your place and I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. I just had to tell you! Pretty sure everyone thinks I'm lying though." She chuckled as the two of you walked into her house. You shook your head in disbelief. Maybe she saw someone that looked like him. "A-are you sure it was him Marie? I mean we all saw what happened to him two years ago." You said as it stung you to recall his death. "Listen y/n...I'm not just making a bunch of fuss over something that didn't happen for a little tv time. If I wanted that I'd do something far more bizarre than fake a sighting of Superman." She sat in her wooden rocking chair in the corner of her dining room and watched you go over everything in your mind. "Do you think he's still around?" You asked. She shrugged as she rocked back and forth. "I'm not sure. He took off as soon as I saw his face." She replied. You sat down at her dining room table and crossed your arms. It was still hard for you to believe her. And as you sat, the flashbacks came. His fall causing the ground around you to shake for a mere second. The concrete around him now crushed into pieces. The trail of blood that rain down the side of his face along with the many tears in his suit revealing his bruised and battered skin, and his hand reaching up to run a feel over your cheek before it fell back down to the ground beside him. You shook your head to get rid of the memory and stood up from her table. "Well thanks for trying to tell me. " It just didn't make sense that he was back. You tried to believe it but you just couldn't. "No problem." She sighed as she walked you out. "Hey..." She called you back. "You don't have to believe me...but I know what I saw." You didn't believe her, but you nodded and smiled anyway and went back to your home where you would try to calm down from the rush of all that just happened.

As you walked up the stairs to your house, you noticed the door to be slightly cracked. Which caused confusion in you as you remembered closing it as you left and knowing it locks on its own from the outside. You slowly pushed the door open and peeped around it out of fear that someone had come inside. But there was no one to be seen in the kitchen or living room. Fully walking in you locked the door behind you and continued to do a full scope of the house. But you found nothing. Maybe you didn't close the door all the way out of excitement over the news. You threw your jacket on your bed and leaned on your palms as you sighed. The weight of the day getting to you and it was only 1 in the afternoon. As you thought about everything, you began to break down. Sad because you missed Clark. Angry because you knew he was gone but wanted so badly to believe that he was here and for a very short moment believed that he was. Angry because you wanted him so badly but knew he was out of reach. "I miss you so much." You cried to yourself. Feeling your heart once again crumble to pieces. But what happened next caused your soul to leave your body. "I missed you too." You shouted and whipped around quickly before jumping onto the bed out of fear of the voice and person behind you. But when you looked clearly at the face you grew more afraid. Afraid that you were seeing things. Afraid that you had finally reached the point where you would start visualizing your long lost lover. But as he removed his black baseball cap and moved slightly closer to the bed you realized that you weren't imagining things. "C-Clark?" You barely were able to speak his name. "It's me." His lip tremored and he squeezed the hat within his firm hands as you got off of the bed. You slowly walked up to him and placed a shaking hand on his chest. "No," You whispered to yourself as you bunched his shirt into your fist. You then looked into his ocean blue eyes that were glossed with tears and placed your thumb on his lips. He was really here in front of you. The impossibility that you thought to be true was actually happening. You threw your arms around him and wailed as he held onto you. As much as you wanted to get closer to him it was impossible, this was the closest you could be. He pulled your face into his hands and immediately placed his wet lips on yours. All bridges collapsed, you felt the burning of all the stars in the vast galaxy, your heart thumped at a dangerous and unhealthy speed. You took in every millisecond that you were feeling him physically because you didn't want to lose another second. 

As you slowly pulled away from him you bit your lip so as to suppress the sobs that tried to escape. "I...I need you to explain how you are here." You spoke slowly so that you would be able to speak clearly. He looked at you for what felt like forever and embraced you again. You didn't care that he didn't immediately begin to say. In fact, you quickly preferred that neither of you say anything so that the moment could unravel and remain for infinity.


How'd y'all like this chapter!? I smiled so big when Clark came in! I proofread this chapter but as I am writing this at 12:44 am and am feeling very tired I may not have done so thoroughly and may have placed Henry in a couple of places rather than Clark. Also, I apologize if the add up doesn't make total sense, I just wanted to wrap up the loose end of Chapter 18 of this book. I hope y'all enjoyed it.


Thankds for reading!

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