Coming Out Pt.1

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Kongpob looked over at Arthit.

"Are you ready?"

Arthit took a deep breath and squeezed Kongpob's hand. 

"Yes. Let's go."

They exited the car and walked toward Kongpob's home. His father had invited Arthit to dinner and this was the perfect opportunity for them to tell Kongpob's family about their relationship.

They took off their shoes and entered through the factory into the house. Arthit nervously looked around and glanced at the painting that once had caused him so much devastation.

Arthit bit his bottom lip and held his right forearm with his left hand. He didn't know where to put his hands as he walked toward Kongpob's house as if heading to his death. Despite his previous bravery, it was equally hard every time he had to come out. It was hard to face how they would see him and how they would treat him.

Arthit respected Kongpob's father and was worried about disappointing him. But in the end, he loved Kongpob more and would try to draw strength from him.

They walked over to the couch and Kongpob hugged his mother from behind. His mother turned around with a delighted smile and Kongpob smiled despite how nervous he was. 

"Dinner is almost ready. I've set the table and your father will be down soon."

"Thanks, mom," said Kongpob with a smile. 

Kongpob's mom finally noticed Arthit standing in the background and smiled brightly. She was really a very beautiful woman, Arthit thought. He could finally see where Kongpob got his good looks.

"Is this Arthit?" she asked while getting up and moving closer to him.

"Yes, mom. This is P'Arthit." Kongpob said with a proud smile.

Arthit smiled nervously and bowed respectfully.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Suthiruk."

"Call me mom," she said with a kind smile.

"Okay, mom." Arthit ducked his head in embarrassment and chuckled a little bit.

"Follow me to the dining room. Kongpob's father will be down in just a moment." 

Arthit followed closely behind when he felt someone pinch his ass. He turned around to glare at Kongpob. 

Kongpob walked faster to walk beside him and smirked at him.

"I saw you biting your lip earlier and I couldn't resist," Kongpob whispered. He winked when Arthit gritted his teeth at him.

"Sit, sit. I'm gonna go to the kitchen to check on things."

While she was gone, Kongpob's father entered and Arthit got up to greet him.

"Oh, Arthit. It's nice to see you again," Kongpob's father said.

"You too, P'Krekkai." Arthit gave a nervous smile. 

They all sat down to eat and were talking comfortably until Kongpob's mom said something that stopped Arthit's heart.

"So when are you bringing a nice girl home, Kongpob?" Kongpob's mom smiled and Kongpob glanced in panic at Arthit. 

"Actually, mom. I have someone already." Kongpob said quietly.

"What?! Who?" 

"It's um, it's P'Arthit." Kongpob reached out and grabbed Arthit's hand and laced their fingers together. 

Kongpob's parents looked at their laced fingers and then looked at each other. 

"Wow, I didn't think you guys were this close," P'Krekkai said. 

"How long has this been going on?" Asked Kongpob's mom.

"5 years now, mom. I know that I'm your only son and that you have expectations of me. I love you guys so much and I've never wanted to disappoint you, but you've taught me to go after what I want and I love him so much. Please don't ask me to let him go." 

Kongpob's mom opened her mouth, but no words came out. She was speechless. 

"You're so good with words. Why would you think I'd ask you to let anybody go? I'm just upset that as usual, you don't tell me anything about your life. How many times have I asked you if there is someone and you've denied it? I'm your mom, I just want to know that you're happy and that you trust me enough to talk to me. Apparently that's not the case." Kongpob's mother got up to leave and Arthit ran to hold her back.

"Please don't blame him. For a long time, I couldn't face the world about our relationship. If he kept it a secret it's because he knows I wasn't ready to tell anyone. He did this for me not because he doesn't trust you." Arthit pleaded with Kongpob's mom with his eyes. 

"Is that true?" she asked Kongpob.  Kongpob nodded.

"It's true. I just didn't feel like we were in a proper relationship since he didn't want to tell anyone and I felt insecure so I didn't want to say anything. Now we are both in this for the long haul and we want your blessing."

"Well, you have it. I'm so happy that you have someone you love in your life, darling." Her eyes shined with unshed tears and her husband came to her side to hold her.  

"How about you, dad?" Kongpob asked quietly. This whole time his dad had just been stroking his wife's arm and staring off into space trying to process what was happening.

"I don't know. I like Arthit. I think he's a good kid. I just...I need some time." 

"P'Kekkrai, I'm sorry if I've disappointed you. I love Kongpob very much. I promise I'll take good care of him." Arthit's heart was pounding and he was terrified for Kongpob, but he understood why his father needed some time. God knew how his parents would take it. He was an only child. Kongpob's parents at least had other children and a grandchild to soften the blow.

"You haven't disappointed me, Arthit. I think you and Kongpob will have a hard time, but I support my son. I just need some time to wrap my head around it." 

"Thanks, dad. We understand." 

"Do his parents know?" Kongpob's mom asked.

"Not yet. They live in another city so P'Arthit and I are gonna call them today."

"Good luck, darling." 

"Mom, we're gonna go. Thanks for dinner. I'll visit again some time. Just tell me when you're ready and I'll come."

"You're always welcome in this house. Both of you."

Arthit let Kongpob's mom hug him and closed his eyes in gratefulness. This had gone so much better than he expected. 

Arthit slowly stepped back and startled when Kongpob held his hand. His mother looked down at their joined hands and smiled. Arthit let out a breath of air in relief and let Kongpob pull him towards the door. 

They both got in the car and sat in silence for a moment.

"That went better than expected." Kongpob said with a sigh.

"Do you think your dad will come around?" 

"He's a fair man and not prejudiced. Plus it helps that he likes you. I'm sure any day now he'll call us to come over and give us his blessing. He's a good man."

"Let's hope so."

"Don't worry about it, " Kongpob said and reached over to squeeze Arthit's hand.

"Let's go home and call your parents, " Kongpob said resolutely.

"Let's go," Arthit with a faint smile. He looked down the road with a pounding heart and gripped Kongpob's hand as he drove towards their home. 

Note: Sorry. No mature content in this one. Trying to give this BDSM some story. Please read the next chapter for my brand of sexy time. :) 

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