Jealous Arthit, Jealous Kongpob

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Mature content ahead. Read at your own risk!

Kongpob dressed for work in front of the mirror while looking at Arthit's sleeping figure through the glass. It was 7:30, but Kongpob would have to tell him it was 8:00 to get him to get up.

As he turned around, Kongpob's phone rang. It was Kaofang. She was looking for an internship and had been asking for Kongpob's help.

"Hello. Kaofang?" Kongpob whispered as he cupped his mouth with his hand. After how tender they ended their night he didn't want Arthit to hear him and get jealous. 

"Hi. P', I'm calling because I was wondering if we could go out to dinner. I want to ask you some questions about some companies for my internship." 

Kongpob hesitated and stared back at Arthit. He was still sound asleep. His rosebud lips were slightly parted and his pink nipples were visible through the sheets.

"Come on, P'. Just for an hour at the most," Kaofang pleaded. 

Kongpob adjusted his erection in his pants. Arthit made a sensual picture this particular morning.

"Sure, Kaofang. What time?" He whispered.

"How about 7pm?"

"Sure. See you then. I'll text you where to go." Kongpob hung up and made his way to the bed. He sat in front of Arthit and leaned down to blow in his ear.

"Wake up, P. It's almost 8:30." Kongpob smiled devilishly and waited for Arthit to shoot up from the bed. 

Arthit stayed still and Kongpob frowned and jostled him. 

"Get up! It's time to go to work." Arthit moved slowly and his eyes fluttered open. He frowned and rubbed his eyes.

"Okay. I'm up." Arthit got up and took up his towel. He walked right past Kongpob and into the bathroom without so much as a look.

Kongpob looked after him with a frown. Normally Arthit would shoot up from the bed and scold him for not waking him up earlier, but this morning he barely looked at him.

Arthit came out of the bathroom and dressed in front of Kongpob. Kongpob's eyes widened at his naked body, but again Arthit barely looked at him. 

As Arthit was putting on his tie, Kongpob approached him to help him. Arthit finally looked at him and put up a hand to stop him.

"I got it, thanks." Arthit took up his messenger back and headed to the door. Kongpob stood and looked at his back as he walked away. He couldn't help but think that there was something wrong.

Arthit left the apartment and looked back at the closed door with all of the anger he had managed to tamp down all morning. He wondered if Kongpob would come clean about making plans with his junior. 

Arthit looked down at his left hand and took off his ring. He couldn't even bear to look at it.

Today, he didn't need the stress. His company was having a meeting with the representative of another company and he needed to be focused.

In the afternoon, it was finally time for the meeting. Arthit asked P'Earth for the name of the company and when Arthit heard the name of Kongpob's company he became even more upset. 

Arthit entered the conference room. His eyes met Kongpob's smiling one and he looked through him as he sat down. From his peripheral vision he could see Kongpob's frowning face and it made him even more angry that Kongpob didn't know why he might be angry.

After Kongpob's eloquent presentation, the companies decided to collaborate and everyone celebrated. It was during this time that Arthit managed to make his escape. 

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