Meeting the Rojnapats

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18+ Only. Read at your own risk!

Kongpob and Arthit sat in the car in front of Arthit's parents' house. Arthit was taking deep breaths while Kongpob tried to bite back a smile.

"Just smile already. Why are you so confident, huh?" Arthit demanded with a frowning face.

"You're sitting over there like you're giving birth, that's why." Kongpob chuckled and held Arthit's hand. "Why are you so nervous anyway? They already gave their blessing. This is just a formality." 

"Of course you're never nervous. Everyone always loves you. " Arthit said with a pout.

"Well, let's hope my good luck continues. I really want everyone to be okay with us." Kongpob squeezed Arthit's hand. He opened the car door and stepped out into Old City. He leaned down and looked at Arthit with a reassuring look.

"Come on."

Arthit sighed and stepped out of the car. He walked to the front of his parents' house while holding hands with Kongpob. He breathed in deeply and rang the doorbell. 

His mother opened the door with a smile and open arms. Arthit stepped into them and marveled at the warmth that was uniquely hers. He stepped back and gestured towards Kongpob.

"This is Kongpob." Arthit looked between the two people.

Kongpob was as polite as ever and gave his mother a megawatt smile as he gave her a respectful wai.

"Mrs. Rojnapat, it is an honor to meet you. I see where Arthit gets his good looks." Kongpob said as he lowered his hands and straightened back up.

"Nice to meet you, too. Come in, come in." She said while gesturing for them to come further into the house.

Mrs. Rojnapat walked behind Kongpob next to Arthit and laced her arm through her son's. 

"I see why you're so charmed." She murmured out of the corner of her mouth. 

Arthit turned bright pink and Kongpob turned around to see his flushed face and sensitive ears. Kongpob's eyes turned heavy lidded as he stared at Arthit with desire right in the middle of his parents' living room.

"Oof!" said Mrs. Rojnapat as she fanned herself. "It's hot." With a knowing look at Arthit, she turned around and headed towards the kitchen. "I'm gonna go into the kitchen. Your father should be right down. Get comfortable, " her voice came as she walked away. 

"She's just like you." Kongpob chuckled as he remembered how Arthit had said the same thing after he kissed him.

"Shut up, " Arthit said with a blush. He sat in the narrow love seat so Kongpob couldn't sit next to him. Kongpob pouted as he sat alone on the big sofa. Arthit turned his face away as he fought a grin. That's what he gets, he thought.

"Good afternoon, " came the voice of Aroon, Arthit's father. 

Kongpob shot straight up and gave him a respectful wai. 

"Please sit," Aroon said. His face wasn't particularly welcoming, but he wasn't angry either.

"I'm glad you finally came to see me. I was beginning to think you were never going to come home." Aroon gave Arthit a pointed look.

"I'm sorry, pa. I was just very busy, " Arthit said while looking away. Everyone knew there was more to it, but no one said anything.

"Let's eat. We'll talk later." This sounded ominous and Kongpob's smile faded as everyone walked towards the dining room. 

They all sat down and ate while Mrs. Rojnapat tried to keep the conversation going.

"So Kongpob, what's your major? How did you meet Arthit?"

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