Chapter 3

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Arashi's pov

I decide to skip all my classes, cause why not. Reiji won't have to know nor does he have to find out. I walk up a staircase, as I walk up the flight of stairs.

I look down and notice how high I am from the first floor. As I'm almost to the top of the staircase I hear the bell for first class.

I open the door for the roof, 'The night sky is much more beautiful from up here...'

As I near a bench to the far right, I can sense another presence appear to the far left. 'Must be a vampire, how annoying...'

I glance to the far left, seeing Shū laying on the bench, listening to music or something.

~Time skip to after school~

I decide to walk instead of going to the limo, then I just realize, I can teleport! How stupid am I?!? 'Don't answer that!'

As I appear in my room, in a snap of my fingers I'm now wearing new clothes on. Then I teleport to the kitchen, I decide to cook something.

As I grab the ingredients, u start to put it together. I don't know what they like so I'm making an guess.

Kanato will be getting sweets, Ayato will be getting takoyaki, Latio will have Macaron, Shū and Reiji will be having Rare Steak, and Subaru will have well anything he request I guess.

As I place the finally touch, I hear doors opening and being shut close. Then patter of feat can be heard, and nearing the room I'm in. I go to my seat which is near the corner to but the second seat next to it.

I hear the door and then a gasp, I turn to the entrance to the dinning room. Reiji is standing there with a surprise look in his eyes.

He looks at me, "I'll go call the others.", that's all he says before walking out. I shurrg and wait for everyone.

~when their all there~

Kanato is sitting on my right and Shū is sitting to my left. Ayato is sitting to the right of Yui and Latio sitting to her left. Reiji is sitting at the head of the table, while Subaru is sitting across from him.

As we ate, no one dares to say a word, I finish quickly. I excess myself and walk to my room. I decide to take a bath then head to bed.

As I gather my clothes I notice my mother's and father's amulet, that they gave me before disappearing, laying on my bed.

A small smile makes its way onto my face, I miss them dearly. My mother the most, I never met my father. Or know how he looks like, I just know that he was only there when I was still an infant.

The only thing I have from him and mom is the amulet. I pick it up and place it in one of my drowers. Then put some of my clothes on top of it so no one can take it or try to look for it.

I walk into my bathroom, lock the door, place down my stuff, and begin to strip. Since I already turned on the faucet, the water is set.

I take off my jeweler, and place it in my box of accessories, of course I put it septraded.

Author's pov
With the Sakamai Brothers

As they finish up, Reiji ask Kanato to go and call Arashi down, Reiji needs to talk to her about something.

As Kanato teleported to Arashi's room he hears the sound of someone exiting water, Kanato smirks with a tint of mischief in his eyes.

He then teleports into the bathroom, as he teleport he sees a sight that he wish say when they first meet.

Kanato saw Arashi.....

To be continued....

HIYA, how's it going, good?good
Anyways, I'm alive and well and sorry for the late updates. Hoped u enjoyed this story.

Words: 666

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