Chapter 6: Food-Chain

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"Yeah, right here is just fine..."
Orin spoke blankly to the taxi driver, digging in his pockets for change.

Already late afternoon, I could see the sun beginning to disappear behind the horizon.

Once out, I watched the car disappear along the curvy road, out of sight.
This place seemed to be in the middle of nowhere.

And only a ten-minute drive to open woods from a large city?
It seemed strangely convenient.

"So what, is there like a secret hidden Soulless restaurant in here or something?"
I joked, following Orin closely behind with my arms around myself, nervous.

The woods were so quiet. Back in the apartment, there was always some kind of small sound to stop the mind from wandering. Whether it was the tv, Orin, people outside, it was calming to always have some background noise.

But this place...
This place was just silent.

I didn't like it.


"Shush. Just follow me."
He spoke without any discernable emotion, not once turning back to look at me.

Uncomfortable in the quiet, I tried to picture his face talking to me, spouting any kind of random nonsense to block out the silence.

His scruffy brown hair, his natural, hazel eyes trying so hard to look uninterested when I knew there was more he wanted to say. The left dimple I only saw when he tried to hide a smile.


"Ah! Uh, yeah?"

"Just...listen to me..." He paused, turning and putting his hands on my shoulders, "So far, it's been clear to me that you're not quite like other Soulless. You're surprised and curious about things that would come naturally to others."

"...are you trying to say I'm weird?"

"No. Well, yes, but not...ugh, I don't know. Look, all I want to say is...this stuff is completely normal. Every Soulless does it and eventually, you will too. So just don't..."

I'd never seen him struggle so much. What exactly was he trying to say?

His hands slipped from my shoulders and he took a few steps back.

"...Soulless fact number three. In order to feed, a Soulless will enter a short feral state. After feeding efficiently..." Orin closed his eyes, gently trying to steady his breaths, "...the Soulless will return to its peak form. If a Soulless doesn't feed regularly..."

His eyes opened.

Crimson and bright.

"...the Soulless will die..."

Suddenly, Orin's teeth were bared and he took one giant leap toward me. In utter panic, I ducked down, terrified.

I had no idea what was happening.

Orin leapt over me, thankfully seeming to have not aimed at me in the first place.

Rather, he landed just behind me.

Sounds of struggle and...other things told me that I shouldn't turn around.

What was he doing?
What if he was getting attacked?
What if he was hurt?!

My hands shaking and chest tight, I pushed away all the nerves and turned to face him.

"...oh my god..."
I quiet whimper escaped my lips, my mind unable to fully process the scene that lay before me.

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