Chapter 42: Reminiscence

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"So your surname is Adler? Alma Adler...that's adorable."
Hana giggled, sat across from the two of us while Orin made himself a drink in the kitchen.

"I should have noticed when I met you," She smiled, shaking her head, "You two do look awfully similar. Same hair and eye colour exactly. I'd say you were twins if Alma wasn't so pale."

"Well, you always did take more after mother."
He smiled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

I couldn't stop smiling. My face was aching but I didn't care.

This feeling, such a natural and comforting feeling was new and beautiful.
Even after being separated for so long, it felt as though he'd been there all along.

For ages we reminisced nonstop, crying and laughing over precious memories of our childhood.

Orin sat in the corner, as always. Though he seemed more uncomfortable than generally grumpy, I was too focused on Alvy to care too much.

"It's so big, smart older sister is now...younger than me..."
Alvy leaned back, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm still in charge."

"Like hell you are."

"Goodness, Alma, if you hadn't been turned that night, you'd be thirty..."
Hana mumbled.

"Man, I can't believe I've been trying to kill you all this many years dedicated to...argh, the past is the past. You're here now, we're here. And goddamn, I'm never letting you out of my sight again!"
Alvy proclaimed, hugging me tighter.

He had an awful lot to tell us. All about his friends Mason and Dainan. Ethan too.

Everything they had been through trying to destroy Soulless.
They had only ever really met Rogues, so we couldn't blame them for assuming we were all like that.

The times we'd been so close to each other but somehow missed every time was astounding.

Of course, Hana helped explain more about the Soulless to him. About Rogues and the Council and she also helped catch him up on everything that had happened since Orin had found me that night.

" guys have really been taking care of her...honestly, I can't thank you enough!"
Alvy gleamed at the two of them.

"Don't worry about it. Alma's part of the family. And seeing as you two are siblings, I'm sure we'll all get along perfectly."
Hana stood up taking my empty mug.

"Woah, hold on, we don't know this guy!" Orin interjected, "Oh wait, yes we do, he's part of the team that's been trying to murder us, kidnapped a child and shot Liam!"

"I'm sorry about all of that, really. There's nothing I can do to make up for such stupid mistakes...but I promise, I'm going to do everything I can to help you guys. Now I finally understand everything, I can fight for the right side."

"Oh, preach all you want."
Orin sneered at him, crossing his arms.

"Orin! This is Alma's brother!"
Hana scolded.

"No, he's a stranger. And a human, what will happen when the Council find out he's with us?"

"They won't." Liam appeared in the doorway, holding his wounded stomach, "Don't worry, Alvy. We'll keep you safe. Alma needs you. And if Alma trusts you, then we do as well."

"...thank you...really. And...about back in the Council, with Ethan-"

"What are you doing? You shouldn't be out of bed! You should be resting!"
Hana fretted.

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