¦Chapter 36¦ Doubts

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- Hana -

Alma was sat by Orin's side, watching him silently as he slept, wrists bandaged and healing gradually.

With them both safe and relaxed, I made my way through the Council. Those halls were shamefully familiar, even after the years away.

I could get to the emergency unit without even thinking about it.

Those damn corridors. So sleek, so clean, so disgustingly perfect.
It made me want to throw up.

The unit was pretty empty. Shouldn't there have been nurses and doctors around at least?

I saw him right away, sat there, looking at the window with the faint lights glowing against his face.
Perfect and poised, features soft and smooth.
He was so breathtakingly handsome.

Even in one of those ridiculous blue gowns inside a tiny white bed, he managed to look like a professional model.
He was such a kind person, only ever worrying about others and always wanting to do the best by people.

I didn't deserve him.

He turned, saw me and smiled.

Sitting down on the bed, I fell against his shoulder, holding onto him tightly.


I breathed, closing my eyes as he wrapped his arm around me.

"...so...Asher told me what happened at the...if I had any idea that they would have reacted like that, I would have never-"

"Oh, shut up. That doesn't matter right now. How're you feeling?"

"A little sore, but it's healing. Shouldn't take more than a few days."

"I'm glad..."
Sighing, I took his hand.

"...Hana, I need to ask you something..."

"Of course, anything."

He breathed for a moment, as if thinking about what he was going to say next.
Glancing around, he made sure we were alone before resting his face in my hair and whispering.

"The night we were attacked...that boy said he recognised you..."

"Well, I just ran into by accident once, it's not-"

"The man he was with, the one wearing glasses who shot Heather's friend...do you know him as well?"

"I...I don't know him, no..."
I was nervous. Where were these questions coming from?

"...and you said the boy was just someone you ran into? You know nothing else about them? At all?"

"...no...no, I don't."

He kissed my head, sighing gently.
"...okay...I'm glad..."

We sat together in silence for a couple minutes, just glad to be near one another again.
But I couldn't shake this feeling in my gut...

"...he was the one who shot you...wasn't he..."

Liam whispered.

That man, Ethan, the police officer that first helped Alma.
The one who attacked us at the cabin then somehow found us in town.

The one who knew what we were and wanted us all dead.

He knew about the Council.

He somehow got inside, stole a child, killed two helpless men and almost killed Liam.

He was evil.

And he had to be stopped.

"I figured you'd be down here..." Asher stepped through the door, smiling with his arms crossed, "Alma and Orin were wondering where you'd run off to, little lady. Of course, you're healing my dear patient with the power of love."

SOULLESSDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora