Chapter 24: Flowers For A Fair Maiden

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"Two twin sisters, both only six years old were found dead in their room this morning. Investors say there was no sign of a break in, yet both bodies were in horrific shape. The devastated parents report that their third daughter, only seven years old, went missing last night too. Search parties are desperately hunting for any evidence leading too-"

Hana switched the TV off, falling back against her chair.

"Jesus christ...six years don't think-"

"No sign of a break in? Sounds like Rogues to me."
Liam sighed sadly, handing out drinks.

"That's just awful..."
Shaking my head, I took the hot coffee from Liam's hands and tried not to think about it.

How could anyone attack, let alone kill someone so young?

I just couldn't understand it.

"Fucking monsters, that's what they are..."
Orin spat beneath his breath.

"...alright!" Hana cheered, spinning around in her seat to face us all, "Let's lighten the mood just a little bit. How about a game?"

"Really? Now?"
Orin frowned.

"Why not? Don't worry, it's something very easy so you won't get all confused."
Hana joked, grinning at him smugly.

"What were you thinking?"
I asked, eager for the mood to change.

"We take turns to ask Alma a question. It'll give us a chance to get to know you better."

"I don't even know me properly."

"They'll be easy questions."

"Alright...what about my turn then?"

"Simple, you ask any of us three question."
Hana smiled as Liam sat down beside her.

"I'll go first, then Liam, then Orin. Sounds good?"

"Alright, hit me."

"So, you think Orin's cute?"

Orin growled.

"I dunno. He can be at times, like when he gets all shy and...oh! You meant like...ah, I dunno, I don'"
I panicked, my face burning red.

"Okay, okay, that was a bad question, forget that one. Let's start easy, what's your favourite colour?"

"Um...I guess I like blue colours mostly. Especially dark and dull ones, like the ocean after a storm..."

"Just like your eyes." Hana smiled, "Okay babe, you're up."

"Uh..." Liam glanced around, awkwardly, "Well, um...have you ever...won any awards?"

"I don't know..."

"She has amnesia, dummy."
Hana whispered, elbowing his side.

"Ah, yes, of course...well then...if you could be any animal, what would you be?"

"Well that's easy, I'd be a bird. Just being able to fly wherever I want to, freedom forever, high in the sky. They're basically tiny angels."

"You're so cute, Alma. Orin, you're up!"
Hana kicked his leg.

"This is stupid, why are we even-"

"I said, you're up!"

"...uh...I mean, I know your favourite colour is blue, your favourite place is a café, your favourite animal is a bird... I know that you're crazy stretchy..."

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