¦Chapter 53¦ Chase

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- Hana -

"She was a Rogue...all this time..."
Heather murmered, sat on the edge of the van with her hand over her mouth.

Everyone was obviously at a loss for words.
Alvy had argued with Garbage at first, but the more his story settled in, the more it made sense.

She was once friends with the Rogues, but that bastard Jäger wanted to be in charge and was willing to do anything to be so.
He tried to get rid of Alma one night but failed, the damage causing her memory loss.

There were signs, right from the beginning. Her immaculate control, the registration tests, her fighting abilities.
I honestly should have questioned why she could fight like that sooner...

But with twelve years of Rogue practice under her belt, no wonder she was so good.

Alma must have discovered this truth by now too, according to Garbage, she had just gone to confront Jäger when he was attacked.

I thought I would hate her.
I thought I would have felt betrayed, after all this time.
But I didn't.

I only wanted to save her more.

"I would have never thought..."
Asher sighed, pushing his hair back out of his eyes.

"So...are we still going to get her?"
Bea asked, twiddling her thumbs.

"What kind of dumbass question is that?" Orin glared, turning to her, "Of course we are! The fact she used to be Rogue doesn't change anything."

"But...she's a criminal. She was working with the people we're going against, the people who have attacked us on multiple occasions, who-"

"I don't give a shit!" Orin snapped, "You seriously think Alma, our Alma, is like that? She's no criminal. She's only ever tried to help and protect people and you're seriously saying you'd just give up on her?"

"Orin's right." I stood up, standing beside him in front of them, "Alma's past doesn't change who she is now. Just like Orin's, remember how people used to look at him? Well this is no different. My Alma is a good, brilliant Soulless. And we're still going to save her because nothing has changed, right Asher?"

Asher smiled.
"I hadn't changed my mind for a second."

"We've all made mistakes before. We all know Alma is good and kind. I don't see why there's any argument."
JD added quietly.

"There isn't." Asher said, walking towards the door to the drivers seat, "And if anyone thinks differently, they can leave right now. Otherwise, I think we should get moving. Alma's waiting for us."

Though Bea still seemed unsure, everyone else was completely onboard.

Soon enough, the van was moving again and we were all locked back into preparation mode.

Thinking about the fight that could be coming up was putting everyone on edge.

"...and you have to go off road here, so drive carefully..."
Dainan instructed, pointing to show Asher the way.

"Got it."

"Just keep going forward until you come to a...wait..."

The entire van suddenly fell silent.

"Asher? Is everything okay?"
I asked, nervous.

Everyone was completely silent, waiting for his reply.

"...sorry, kids. Slight change of plan."

Suddenly, Asher slammed his foot down, the car accelerating at a crazy speed. Without warning, he spun the wheel, everyone falling to the side as the van skid across the ground before driving in the opposite direction.

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