Chapter 50: Connections

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"This place really fell apart without, I remember how brilliant it used to be. Colour and life blooming from every angle."
Jäger sighed as we stood at the doors of Kaya's garden.

All dark, grey and dead. Not a single plant left alive.

"I should have been here. She taught me how to take care of it, I could have kept it alive. God, she'd hate me if she saw it now..."
I turned away, just looking at it made me feel angry.

"Ah, you're stressed. You always look like that when you're stressed."

"Look like what?"

Jäger stepped in front of me, smirking.
"You always squeeze your eyes so tight they look like raisins. Your fists too, so much so that your nails dig into you palms and they shake."

I glanced down at my hands, small lines from where my nails had been forced down in my palms.
He was completely right.

"When you're happy and not trying to show it, you look to the lower right. When you're thinking, you pout slightly and your eyes lock on the ground. When you're thinking really hard, your brow furrows and you cross your arms. When you're mad you grit your teeth and-"

"Okay, okay, I get it!"
I laughed, pushing him back.
He grabbed my wrists, holding me in place while he grinned.

"And when you're bashfully laughing, you close your eyes and smile wide, a grin cheeky as it ever was."

"When you're feeling all smug, you...look stupid."
I chuckled, walking past him back into the halls.

Jäger and I had been through my old things, left completely untouched after I disappeared that night.
My whole life had returned to me, human life, Rogue life and my life with Orin.

All except the night I disappeared.
The night I lost my memory, I just couldn't recall it. The even that caused my memory loss was still hidden from me.
The very day before, I knew exactly what happened.
It was three months after Kaya was so cruelly taken from us.
I was working on a plot to attack the Council as revenge.

But after that, it was blank until the moment I woke up again.

Jäger walked me to the main room where I sat on the familiar chair.

" carved skulls into it? Jäger, that looks ridiculous..."

"What? Come on, it looks cool."

"Yeah, to a nine year old maybe."
I giggled, resting my head back.

This wonderful feeling of familiarity put me at such ease, I felt as though there wasn't a worry in the world.

Orin, Hana, the others might not be safe...
I don't know what happened to them...

"What was with those Soulless you were hanging out with anyway?" Jäger asked, sitting on the arm of my chair, "They seemed like right pansies."

"I met all of them by accident. I didn't know any better at that point."

They're the greatest friends I've ever had...
Far better than these beasts...
God, why couldn't I control myself anymore?
Who was this Alma that had taken my place?

My new experiences had changed me for the better, how could I devolve back into this careless Rogue?

The doors beside me slid open and a familiar face stepped out.

"Oh my god, Tanner!"
I grinned, leaping up from my chair and wrapping my arms around him.

"A-Alma, you're back! And you're s-safe!"
He laughed, holding me back.

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