Chapter 54: Bloodshed

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"Why..." Ethan breathed, his grip on the wheel tightening, "Why here...of all places..."

The car slowed to a halt, all of us watching in horror as the Rogues turned the corner toward the Council building.

We didn't stand a chance.

Every Rogue was there, every red Rogue from the Den was right there in the city's streets.
Jäger must have been planning this for a long time.

I took a shaky breath.
"Here, take her." I said, handing Mia to Mammoth, "Take care of her, okay? I need you to keep her safe, no matter what."

"Wait, Alma, where are you going?"
Ethan frowned, grabbing my wrist as I tried to step out of the car.

"I have to go, my friends are right there! They're going to destroy the entire Council-"

"They'll destroy you! You saw how many there are, you don't stand a chance! I won't let you just go ahead and kill yourself like this!"

"You were trying to kill me a few days ago, don't try and act all high and mighty!"
I argued, pulling from his grip.
But with impressive reflexes, Ethan quickly grabbed both my wrists and pulled me toward him.

"Exactly. And I was wrong. I can't just let you die like this. Think it through, you can't take on every Rogue by yourself. Maybe we should just-"

And that's when the gunfire began.
Yelling and screaming erupted around the corner.
I knew exactly what was going on.

"The Council, the guards...of course..."
I whispered.
For a second, Ethan's grip weakened. I quickly, climbed out of the car and slammed the door shut, leaning into Mammoth's window.

"Take the car, get Mia and Ethan away from here. You keep them safe, do you hear me?"

"Yes, ma'am."
Mammoth nodded.

Without looking back, I ran forward.
I wasn't going to let them fight this alone.
I wasn't going to let Jäger win.
Never again.

As I skid around the corner, my heart skipped a beat.

It was a battlefield.

The streets were full, overwhelmed with Soulless and Rogues all fighting full force.
There was blood flying every other moment, countless bodies on the floor.

It was horrific.

I was frozen for a solid moment, unable to take my eyes away from the chaos.
Were Hana and Orin both in there somewhere?
What if they were hurt?

There were so many bodies already, what if they were...

No, I shook my head, shaking all those horrible thoughts away.
I had to fight.
To kill as many Rogues as I could, to make sure the Soulless won this battle, no matter what.

I had to make sure I watched Jäger take his last breath.

Just as I was about to take my first step into the chaos, a hand grabbed my shoulder, causing me to almost jump out of my skin.

I spun around and Ethan stood behind me, smiling.

"What, I told Mammoth to take care of you! You were supposed to stay in the car!"

"He's already driving out of the city to keep Mia safe. You didn't seriously think I was going to leave you to fight these guys alone, did you?" He grinned, patting my shoulder, "It looks like some Soulless are taking shelter in the bank. Want to check there for your friends first?"
He asked, pointing out the two terrified Soulless making their way into the Council building.

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