\Chapter 58/ - Change

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- Ethan -

With a quiet sigh, I lowered the flowers down beside the door.
The bright colours stood out among the dark, deprived houses, but it didn't matter.

I stepped back, looking up at Mason's old home.

All I could think was, that kid deserved better.

He had an entire life ahead of him and I...

All the things I had done, losing my head to a deluded, desperate need to do what my poisoned mind told me was right...
I was never going to forgive myself.

No matter how many good deeds I did, no matter how many people forgave me for my monstrous acts...

I couldn't bring myself to look in the mirror anymore.

Dainan convinced me to see a therapist. It didn't help much, but it felt good to get some thoughts out once in a while.
Sadly, I couldn't exactly share much of my struggles in order to protect the Soulless.

After Alma and her friends had returned to the city, I couldn't bring myself to go and see them.
All their injuries, all the suffering they had been put through, I knew I was at fault, at least partly.

I hadn't heard from Alvy either.

He was with Alma, people who cared about him. I knew he was happy.

Still, I wished I could have seen him once again.
Even just to say how sorry I was for what I put him through.

I drove my car through the town, leaving Mason's home behind.
It was the last time I would visit that place before it was renovated and sold to some other unknowing soul.

Driving up the main street, my eyes fell upon Firby Bank. Currently under construction, the renovations already looked better than before, even unfinished.
It looked brighter, ligher.
More hopeful.

I knew they'd all be okay.

I couldn't help but think about the blood that had been spilled on that very road I was driving across as I passed it by.

The news had covered the chaos, of course. A bank robbery gone wrong, resulting in the entire place going up in flames.
Jäger wasn't dumb, he wasn't just trying to destroy the Soulless, but the humans too.
So many human documents, information, money, all burned away.

He was a cruel, heartless being.

The world was better off with him gone.

I parked the car in my usual spot, shrugging the plastic bag filled with cheap ramen and beer over my shoulder as I descended the stairs to my old, faithful apartment.

Stepping inside, Dainan greeted me with a smile.

"How're you doing? I was thinking we should maybe get Chinese tonight. I'll pay."

"Yeah, sounds good."
I dropped the bag on the side and rubbed my eyes, pulling my glasses away.

"Oh, and there's a little surprise for you in the next room."
He smirked, keeping his eyes on the TV.

"...you know I don't like-"

"No complaints! Go on. You'll like this one, I promise."

With a grouchy sigh, I slid off my jacket and made my way into the kitchen.

Alvy smiled wide as our eyes met, stood there expectantly, bouncing on his heels.

"Hello there, Mr Egan."
He chuckled.

I just moved forward, hugging him tightly.
"...it's so good to see you again..."

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