\Chapter 7/ - Wide Eyes

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- Ethan Egan -

"You're crazy, dude. If I was given the option for time off, I'd take it in a heartbeat."
Officer Charton yawned, leaning back in his chair.

"I don't need time off. I'd rather focus on keeping the city safe. And you should too."

"Hey, boys!"
Sheila who worked up front appeared in the doorway, round glasses low on her nose and eye bags as apparent as ever.

"Devins is on the radio, trying to get through to you, Egan. Answer the poor kid already, would ya?"

"Ah, sorry..." I fumbled, grabbing my radio from the desk, "He normally just calls me, I wonder what's up..."

"Ethan? You there?"
Devins' panicked voice came through, gravelly and out of breath.

"Yeah, everything alright? You don't sound too good..."

"I, uh, have a bit of a problem. I ran into this kid on the road in town, I was bringing her back to the station but I hit a...deer."

"He hit a deer? That's all?"
Charton sneered, rudely listening in.

I turned away and tried to listen to Devins, holding the radio close to my ear.
"I-I'm sorta stuck out here. I'm not sure what happened but someone took the kid and...well...damaged my car. All the wheels are flat...are you busy?"

"Not at all, bud. I'll be right there. Where are you?"

"About halfway along the forest trail, the road that leads straight in. Took the route by Ward Street."

"Gotcha. Hang tight, I'm on my way." I put the radio on my belt, grabbing my uniform jacket from the coat rack, "Charton, I'm just going to grab Devins, his vehicle is damaged. Make a note to be sure we send a recovery truck for it tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah, I hear you..."
He slurred, spinning his desk chair around and focusing his attention back on the computer.

Rolling my eyes, I stepped out into the cold, jogging across to my car through the wind.

Another person kidnapped. This time, right from under an officers nose.
It had to end.

Could it be tied to the people I saw that night?
So many bodies in that one building alone, the memory felt far more like a nightmare.

It was unlikely they'd still be in that desolate house out in the middle of nowhere. Not after I'd gotten away.

The engine roared to life, driving smoothly along the damp roads.
Rain, again?

The weather in that place should just make its mind up already.

I didn't like the scent. Too floral, too soft. I tore the car scents from the mirror and threw it out the window.

My old vehicle being totalled after the attack, I was left with one of the spares.

I wasn't used to it, it didn't feel right.

The same design, everything in the exact same place yet it still felt different.

I didn't like it.

I opened the window, just a small crack at the top, letting some of the cold, fresh air flood inside.

Flicking the window wipers on, I took a breath. Collecting my thoughts.

How strange for Devins to hit a wild animal.

He was always so careful, especially when driving through the woods. He must have been in some kind of rush, or perhaps...

I saw him up ahead, headlights illuminating the road before him while he paced uncomfortably by the car's side.

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