Chapter 48: The Past

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My eyes struggled open. I was quickly aware of the situation. I could feel the tight bindings around my wrists and ankles as well as the cold metal chair legs against my own.

I didn't bother struggling.

I could see his feet.

He was stood right before me.

"...I really liked this place..." He sighed, pacing to the left, "I mean, it's a complete shithole, don't get me wrong. But it does have some nice memories attached to it."

"I took you as the type to fight fair. But tying a kid to a chair, seems like you're cheating a little, don't you think?"
I scowled up at him, finally raising my head.

There were deep shadows across his face, the only light source was a flickering bulb above us both, dangling dangerously loose from a thin wire.

"I don't want to fight you. I never did. Why did you have to make this so difficult..."
Jäger breathed, rubbing the back of his neck.

I hated myself for thinking that this vile creature reminded me of Orin.
The way he'd move and fidget when he was uncomfortable.

Had he made it out of the attack?
Did the guards let everyone go?
Was Carmicheal finally helping them?

Hana and Liam...

Oh god, and Alvy...

"So tell me...what changed?" He hissed, leaning down and grabbing my hair tightly, "Why were you at that cabin, why are you with the Council, who are you working for?"

"Let go of me, asshole!"
I spat in his face, pulling my head back.

"Just who are you? That night with that stupid fucking police officer...that night with my...son. Micah is dead. You and your little friend killed him in cold blood. Why? Why?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

Jäger pulled back, rubbing his brow.
"'re seriously driving me insane...god, what would Kaya say if she saw you now..."

I froze.

"...what did you just say?"

"Oh, you heard me. After all these fucking stunts you've pulled, you still think she'd be proud of you? She was a fool to trust you. I knew you were fake from the start..."

"I...I don't do you know her name..."

Jäger's expression suddenly softened.

As I looked into those eyes, I felt my whole body tense.
I knew what was coming.

My head began to throb, my breaths began to shake, my chest tightened more than ever before.

" don't remember..."

I didn't want to believe it.

Everything flooded back.

Everything I had been pushing away.

I knew this truth would return to me one day, but I wasn't ready.
I was so afraid.

"...Alma, what happened to you that night..."
Jäger whispered, knelt before me with a concerned expression.

And just like that, I knew.

All the memories, all the voices, everything was building up to what I feared most.

Who I really was.


Twelve years ago.

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