Chapter 33: Sparks Fly

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"And they're bred specifically for our residents! We have an amazing ongoing system that means nobody here has to hunt at all!"
Shey gleamed, looking far too happy about a situation that seemed to sicken everyone else.

"But...I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to feed on...infants..."
Hana struggled, eyes glued to the tiny baby bunny in her hands.

"Yeah, the Council forbids it. Do they know about this?"
Orin glared.

"Of course they do! As I said, we have a specialised system in place! When it comes to hunting out in the wild, sure, you can't feed on young animals, but here we breed them for just that! Plus, feeding from a youth has major benefits. Rather than having to feed every week, a baby can sustain you for up to a month! Isn't that wonderful?"
She giggled.

The baby bunnies were perfectly still, injected with some kind of drug that knocked them out.
In my hands, I could feel its little heart beating against my palm.

It made me feel sick.

"Just go ahead! Once it's over with, you won't even think about it!"

There was nothing else to feed on in that place and all of us were starving, on the verge of going feral already.

We glanced at each other with sad faces, knowing there was no other choice.
Hana just went for it, but I hesitated just a little longer.

It made me think once again about those red Rogues.
About how easy they were to kill.
Just as easy as a paralysed baby bunny...

In the end, everyone was the same.

Closing my eyes and forcing all thoughts away, I let the hunger take over my mind and sunk my teeth down...

It was only when I finished that I noticed Orin still holding the bunny.
He didn't move, just sat there with his eyes closed.


He didn't respond, just quickly and swiftly bit into the baby, only for a second.
There was no way he could have fed properly like that. Then, slyly, he tucked the body into his pocket.

What the hell was he doing?

"See? Not so hard, is it? You can just dispose of the remains in any of the trash cans around, enjoy your day replenished and full of energy! I can't wait to see you three at the firework festival tonight! Wear something nice! Ta-ta!"


Back at the bungalow, I followed Orin as he sneaked to the side of the house, crouching down the by the rocks.

"...what are you doing?"

"Argh!" he jumped, "Jesus, don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Sorry, sorry..." I giggled, "But why are you...oh..."
I crouched down beside him, watching as he carefully patched up the baby bunny where he'd bitten it. Amazingly, the tiny thing was still alive.

It held still and patient while Orin cleaned and wrapped the wound, stroking its head to keep it calm.
I watched in awe as he used such strong hands to do something so delicate.

Once satisfied, he pulled back with a smile, placing the bunny down on the ground.
It struggled for a moment to gain its balance, but soon hopped away.

Orin watched it leave, still smiling just a little.

"...I won't kill a baby...I just...I won't..."

"Wow, I've never seen you like was super sweet..."

"Oh, shut up." He blushed, heaving back up onto his feet, "I know it may not last long out there on its own, but it at least deserves a chance. There's a reason we hunt the animals the way we do. Every creature deserves a good, long life. No matter what."

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