{Chapter 29} Just One Call

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- Alvy -

"Ethan? Please come out, we're all worried about you...you've been in there almost a whole day now, at least let me bring you some food?"

No response.

Slipping my hands away from the door, I sighed. Dainan and Mason were stood behind me.

Dainan was unhappy, standing with his arms crossed, I'd never seen him like that. Mason had lost his constant smile, hands clenched together.

"I think he needs more time..." I said, shaking my head, "We'll order food and slip it inside anyway. We can't just leave him to starve."

"I'm just not sure about any of this anymore..."
Dainan spoke with a huff, walking off into the other room.

Mason fiddled with his fingers.
"Do...do you think Ethan's going to be okay?"

"I'm sure he'll be fine. He isn't the type to react this way...I think he's just collecting his thoughts, that's all."
I reassured with a smile.

It was a lie.

Something was clearly wrong with Ethan, he wasn't himself at all.
He'd shut himself away in a dark room, sat beside the bed huddled to himself.

I wish I knew what was going through his head, I wish I knew why he was acting this way. But there was just no way I could help.

Ethan was so stressed about the entire situation, dealing with everything that had happened.

Soon, Mason was fast asleep and Dainan was still in the other room.

I sat alone on the windowsill, looking out into the street at night.
It was so quiet.

My eyes kept drawing back the card on the table, those numbers taunting me.

Ethan had been leading us since the beginning, taking all challenges head-on, protecting us as best as he could.

All he wanted was for his city to be safe.

And for once, I wanted to help him.

Fighting against my conscience, I grabbed the card and began to dial the numbers into my phone.

I could lead us just like Ethan had, I could take charge when he needed me to. I was sure of it.

"Finally, I was hoping to hear from you..."
Jäger's voice was low and growl-like as ever.

"Ethan can't talk right now, so I'm calling you instead."
I said, keeping my voice as firm as I could.

"Ah, yes...the boy who stabbed my wife's eye..."

"Ah, uh...I'm really sorry about that, I didn't-"

"Relax, these things happen. It's done now, can't be changed. I assume you're calling about my offer?"


"Very well. I have some very special information for you. You may want to write some of this down..."


"Ethan! Ethan, you have to listen to this!"
I burst into the room, gripping my sheet of notes tightly.

He must have been asleep or something, his head rose up and he glanced around, dazed and confused.

"A-Alvy? What're you-"

"I spoke to Jäger! I know what we have to do!"

"You did what?!"

"Just hear me out!"
I grinned wide, sitting myself down beside him and handing him the paper.

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