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"Is there anything I'm missing?" I talk on the phone with Jermaine while I push the cart through the store. The cart gets sort of heavy so I hold my phone between my ear and my shoulder. 

"Nah I don't think so." He says.

"Candy!" I hear Lamarr yell into the phone.

"Okay pumpkin I'll get some but you can only have a little." I push the cart to the candy isle and I look at all the choices. "Gummy bears?"

"Yes please." He says.

"Alright sweetie."

"Alright I'll let you get back to shopping. I'll see you soon."

"Okay J. Bye, love you."

"Love you too." He hangs up the phone. I try to take the phone from my neck while I walk but it falls to the floor. I roll my eyes and bend to pick it up.

"Aw shit." I hear my cart bump into someone.

"Oh my god I am so sorry." I grab my phone and run to grab my cart. The guy that it ran into is leaning over and holding his leg.

"It's alright." He lifts his head to look at me.

" He lifts his head to look at me

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"I'm so so sorry. I was trying to pick up my phone and I let go of the cart and it just kept rolling. Ugh I'm so sorry." I mentally curse at myself for being so stupid. I really just wanna disappear.

He chuckles at me. "It's okay ma, I'm good."

"Are you sure?" I ask him. He smiles at me sweetly. He has a very nice smile. Seems familiar too.

"Yeah I'm sure. All good." He assures me.

"I'm sorry, have we met before?" I ask him with confusion. He furrows his eyebrows.

"I don't think so. I'd definitely remember someone like you." He licks his lips and scans me from head to toe. I feel my cheeks get hot so I put my head down. "But anyway. I'm RJ." He holds his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Kehlani."

"Well nice to meet you Kehlani. Looks like you tryna feed an army." He chuckles and looks at my basket. I giggle.

"A very small one. Most of this is for my son." I tell him. "That's who these are for." I grab a bag of gummy bears and toss them in the basket.

"Oh you have a son? How old?" he asks.

"Three almost four." I nod.

"Oh that's dope. Attractive and a mother." He flirts.

"Also married." I hold up my left hand to flash my rings.

"Oh wow, well I would've been surprised if you weren't. Also that's a beautiful ring." He compliments.

"Thank you, my husband has great taste." I brag.

"He sure does. But I actually have to go, maybe I'll see you around. It was nice meeting you Kehlani." He puts his hands together in prayer position and nods his head at me.

"Nice meeting you too." He smile. He walks down the isle in the opposite direction as me. I continue down the isle and throughout the grocery store until I'm ready to check out. I use my card to pay for the groceries and I go to my car to put it all in the trunk.

Once it's all packed up I get into the drivers seat and turn on the engine. I see a white card under my windshield wiper. I get out to take it out and read it.

I'm coming for you

My stomach drops. This can't be from who I think it's from? It has to be some type of joke. But who would play this type of joke on some random person. It has to be him.

I look around and see if anyone is look at me. I get back into my car and drive home.

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