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2:50 pm

My phone buzzes to remind me to leave the house on time. I've already been dressed or the day so I go into my bathroom to do my hair. I stare at my blonde mess in the mirror before deciding upon a small bun with laid edges.

J appears in the doorway to the bathroom, he leans against the frame and watches me brush my hair up.

"You hanging with Jessie today right?" He asks. I nod at him and he nods back.

Once I finish my hair I slide by him and grab my shoes before heading downstairs. Jermaine trails behind me. I stop to grab my keys by the door.

"I'll get Marr from daycare if you need me to." He says behind me. I shake my head and open the door to leave. "Bye." He says sadly. 

"Later." I say shortly. I get in my car and head towards the coffee shop.

It's been maybe two days since Jermaine and I's argument over the note. I haven't really been  speaking to him but I have good reason. He knows how badly I felt about my delusional period. I lived in fear of Ben still being alive and on his way to get us. I couldn't sleep, wasn't really eating, it was awful. But I know I'm not being delusional about this. And for him to laugh about that pisses me off. Like why is he being so nonchalant about this?

Anyway, I text Jessie to let her know I'm here and she tells me she's on her way. I go into the shop to find a table and order our drinks.

"Can I get a caramel frappe, and a chai tea latte?" I pay the cashier and turn to go to my table. As soon as I turn around I crash into somebody. Spilling my drinks on the myself and them. "Shit I'm so sorry."

The person bends down to help me pick up the cups and tops. He looks up and I'm met with RJ's eyes. He smiles at me.

"We gotta stop meeting like this." He says with a chuckle.

I laugh along. "Yeah I'm sorry you have to be the victim of my clumsiness."

"Nah this time it was my fault I did see you coming and I got in your way. Here." He grabs some napkins from the counter and hands them to me so I can dry my shirt. "Let me buy the drinks I made you spill." He offers.

"Oh no that's not necessary." I tell him.

"I insist. Can I get a medium coffee with lots of cream and sugar, and..." He waits for me to order.

"Another caramel frappe and chai tea." He pays for our drinks.

"Name?" The cashier asks.

"RJ. Okay well where are you sitting?" RJ asks. I point to my table. "Alright."

We walk over to the table and sit down. I twiddle my thumbs on the table and wait for his name to be called.

"So who are you waiting on? If you don't mind me asking."

"Oh uh my friend-"

"RJ!" the barista calls out.

"Hold that thought." RJ gets up and goes to grab the drinks.

As soon as he gets up I see Jessie come into the shop.

I smile and stand up to hug her

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I smile and stand up to hug her.

"Did you wait to get the drinks? You didn't have to wait for me." She furrows her eyes brows at me.

"No uh they're coming." I say while sitting down.

"Oh okay."

"Here we are." RJ comes back to the table and sets down the drinks on the table. Jessie looks at him and her jaw drops. "Oh shit. You're Jessie J. You're here with Kehlani? You didn't tell me you were meeting the Jessie J." RJ fanboys over Jessie.

"Well they called your name before I could tell you. Jessie this is RJ we met in he grocery store the other day. RJ this is my friend Jessie J. The one I'm meeting." I say. They shake hands.

"Kehlani didn't tell me you would be joining us today." Jessie gives me the eyes.

"Oh I'm not. We ran into each other again and I ended up buying your coffee and her tea. But I'll let Kehlani tell you how that happened." RJ chuckles.

"Well thank you so much. I gotta have my coffee." She sips her frappe.

"Yeah I feel you." He holds up his coffee cup to her. He checks his watch and raises his eyebrows. "Damn, I gotta go. Well Kehlani maybe I'll see you around and Jessie it was great meeting you." He takes her hand and kisses it.

"Great meeting you too." She says while blushing. RJ walks off and out of the coffee shop, Jessie watches him the whole way out.
"Oh my god that man was fine."

She giggles. I laugh with her.

"Mean he's alright." I shrug.

"Well you're married love, as a free woman I can unbiasedly say that he was one fine ass man. And you met his ass in a grocery store? Which store are you shopping at because I've never just randomly met a man that fine in the produce."

I burst out laughing at her. She laughs along with me. RJ is quite attractive, I'm a married woman but I do have eyes. His dark chocolate skin and his pearly white smile could get me any day.

"But anyway how are you? How's the hubby?" Jessie takes a sip of her coffee.

"I'm okay, Jermaine is fine." I hold back the eyeroll when she asks about Jermaine. I want to vent to her about the whole situationbut then I'd have to tell her everything from the beginning. And we don't plan on telling anyone about it.

"How's my Marrs baby?" She asks with a smile.

"He's good, acting more and more like J everyday." I chuckle.

"Aw how cute. I gotta come see my munchkin sometime soon."

"Yes come take him." I joke.

"You know you would miss him." She rolls her eyes at me. "As much as he is a mama's boy, you feel the same way towards him."

"Yeah that's my big boy though." I shrug. I think of the relationship I have with my little man and how much love there is.

"Just wait until he gets older. If he looks anything like J he's gonna be a problem."

"Oh god, don't remind me." I sigh.

After about two hours of talk, laughing, catching up, and just enjoying each other I have to go get Lamarr from daycare. I park in the lot in front of his daycare center and walk inside. I sign him out before going to his classroom to get him.

"Mommy!" Lamarr runs to me and holds onto my legs.

"Hi baby boy. How was your day?" I ask him as I grab his things from his cubby.

"Good. I did finger painting!"

"Really? Where is it?" I ask.

"My folder." he says.

"Okay well I will take a look at it as soon as we get home. Let's go see daddy, I'm pretty sure he's still home."

We walk out hand in hand through the parking lot. I strap him into his car seat and get into the drivers seat. I sigh deeply before pulling out and heading home.

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