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Lamarr sleeps soundly on the couch after our family movie time. I pick him up and put him in his bed. I sit down on his bed and watch him sleep for a little.

Before Lamarr I would watch Keh while she slept. Before that I always thought it was creepy to watch someone sleep and now it's all I do. They both look so peaceful in their sleep. Keh says he sleeps like me but I don't think so.

I walk into our room to see Lani meditating with a candle burning . I lean against the door frame and watch her. Once she's done she opens her eyes and smiles at me.

"He asleep?" Keh says while rolling up her mat. I nod from the door. "Well come on let's go to bed."

I nod and follow her into our room. I start to pull my clothes off and put them in the hamper. I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth.

In the mirror I can see Lani in our room looking for one of my T-shirt's to put on over her half naked body. With just my shirt and her panties on she comes in to do her nightly routine. Once we're both done we climb into bed and watch tv. Lani lays on my chest and plays with my beard.

"You're such a good daddy." She says softly.

"To who." I say in a slick tone. She peeks up at me.


I lick my lips like LL Cool J and rubs my hands together. "Ha, well you know me baby girl." We both bust out laughing.

"You tripping but for real babe you're a dad. And husband."

"It's my job, I'm not about to let nobody else do it for ya." I shrug.

"I know baby but you do it so well. I'm proud of you." She grins.

"Thanks babe, that means a lot. You know I love you so much."

"I love you too pumpkin."

I furrow my eyebrows at her. "I thought Marrs was pumpkin."

"Y'all are both pumpkin." She pinches one cheek and nibbles on the other.

a week later

Since Lamarr is at daycare and I have nothing to do today, I clean up around the house. Once I'm done I look for Lani in her usual spots. After not finding her I walk out to backyard to see her laying in the hammock reading a book. I don't say anything to her, I just watch. I love just seeing how peaceful she looks while in her own zone. It's mesmerizing. The wind blows gently and a few strands of her black hair blows into her face.

She washed out the blonde a few days ago . I loved it but I love anything she does with her hair. It's nice to have to have the old Lani back. It's growing back to about the same length as it was a couple of years ago when we started really being together.

I sit on the couch and watch the basketball game. Today has been kind of long since we've just been bored sitting in the house. After dinner Lani went upstairs. She's been up there for a while but I'm not really worried. She might've gone to get some space.

Sometimes she disappears just to get some space. It's something I've learned to live with. At first it hurt my feelings because I thought she just didn't wanna be around me but really she just needed space to think. Without someone around to distract her.

I hear her footsteps coming down the stairs. I shift into a comfortable position, knowing that she's probably gonna come and lay on me. But she doesn't sit down. I check to see if she's gone I got the kitchen but she's standing beside the couch. I have to do a double take because the sight shocked me. Her butt length, black hair was now cut short to her shoulders. She tucks some behind her ear and continues to look at the tv.

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