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Jermaine paces back and forth while on the phone. I sit at the table and try to think of where they could be. He thinks to call Mike because this can't be anyone but Ron. Or whoever is trying to speak up after Ron or Ben. Who else would kidnap my child.

"Mike we got a problem." He says on the phone. He hangs up so I assume Mike is on the way.

"She fucking took him."


"What do you mean maybe? She was with him when we went to the kitchen and now they're both gone." I explain. He shakes his head.

"Maybe someone took both of them."

"My mom would've made some sound. Lamarr would too, we've taught him what to do around strangers if we aren't the ones introducing him."

"I guess you're right."

"I am right. And I was right about his being too soon. I should have never left him meet her. Now she fucking kidnapped my baby. I should've never opened that damn door."

Jermaine looks at me with hurt in his eyes. I can tell that he feels bad for me because he knows how hard it was for me to even allow her to come into our house that day. Even though I wanted to find her I wasn't ready for it to be so soon.

Ten minutes later there's a knock on the door. Jermaine goes to open it, he walks back with Mike behind him. Mike spreads out his computer and papers.

"I know who's been leaving those notes."


"Where are we going Gigi?" Lamarr asks from the backseat.

"It's a surprise sweetie." I tell him. I grip the steering wheel tightly as I drive through the busy streets.

Finally I pull up to the warehouse and see him standing at the door.

"You took long enough." He says as he comes to get Lamarr out of the car. Lamarr gets a scared look on his face and shrinks away from him. "Come on little man."

"He's probably scared because he doesn't know you." I explain.

"We've met once. Remember me little man? I'm Auntie Jessie's friend."

Lamarr takes a moment to think then smiles and comes towards him. "I remember you."

He picks him up and closes the back door. I furrow my eyebrows at him in confusion as we walk inside.

"If you know him then why couldn't you just get him yourself."

"First off don't question me. And because Jessie would never leave me alone with him and I'm not gonna wait for your daughter and little son-in-law to need a babysitter. I got close to the wrong friend." He explains as he straps Lamarr to a chair.

I scoff. "You made a mistake so you needed me. Wow isn't that somethi-" He smacks me across the face.

"Don't laugh at me. If anyone should be laughing it's me. You don't even know the whole plan yet you decided to help me against your own daughter. But I'm the one making mistakes."

I hold my stinging face and step away from him.

"Stop being mean!" Lamarr yells at him. Before he can do anything I run to cover him.

"Don't! He's just a baby, he doesn't know any better." I defend him. He shakes his head and sighs.

"Look I gotta make a call. Watch the kid. And if you let him go or run off with him Im gonna find your ass and burry you next to the kid and his parents." He walks off and pulls out his phone.

I hug Lamarr and try to comfort him.

"Why is he being mean?" He asks in a sweet voice.

"Something bad happened to him."

"My hands hurt." He squirms in the seat.

"I know baby but don't move too much or it'll hurt worse."

"I want my mommy."

I don't know what to say to that so I just shush him and try to keep him from crying. Lord only knows what that man will do to him if he so much as sniffles.


"RJ DID THIS?" Jermaine yells. Anger, confusion, and hurt fills me up and takes over my body. I sit down in the seat and rack my brain of all the memories I have of him.

Nothing adds up. Why would he want Lamarr?

Then it hits me.

The necklace.

The familiar face.


"Ron Jr."

"Exactly. He's trying to avenge his dad." Mike explains.

"Wait this is Ron's kid. You never said he had a kid."

"I didn't remember but now I do. There was always this kid a year or two younger than me who would be in one of the warehouse offices. Ron never directly said it was his son but Ben told me that most of the guys there figured it was because why else would I kid be there. I never fully believed him though but I always wondered."

"Are you sure it's him?" Jermaine asks.

"Yes, his gold Africa chain belonged to Ron. And he looks like him. Must look more like he mom though."

"So this little nigga is mad because his daddy is dead."

"Yup. And my belief is that he thinks you two had something to do with it. Or at least You Kehlani."

"What the fuck? I didn't kill Ron."

"Well let's go find him and ask what's up." Mike gets up and tucks his gun into his belt.

"Do you know where he is?"

"I've narrowed it down to two locations." He points to the computer.

"What is up with these niggas and warehouses?" Jermaine asks.

"If there's a loud noise nobody thinks anything of it because they just think people are building shit." I explain.

"I will look in this one. Y'all go there. I don't want either of y'all going anywhere alone. Stay together, you remember what happened last time."


"Y'all got guns." I shake my head but Jermaine runs upstairs. He comes back with two guns fully loaded.

"Let's go." He hands me one and I tuck it into my pants.

We all get into our cars drive to the location.

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