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My heart drops when I hear that name. The only kill I've ever made. I stuffed it in the back of my mind and never revisited that period in time. Ron and Ben covered it up for me so nobody would know I did it. Not even the rest of the guys working for Ron knew. So how would RJ know? He was just a kid. But so was I.

"Yeah you didn't think I knew you killed my best friend too. I guess once you killed one thing I loved you couldn't stop."

"I own up to Elliot but Ron nor Ben was my fault."

"So you're little hit man didn't kill Ben a couple years ago?"

"Fine he did, but Ben came after me! I wanted no part of him in my life anymore but he insisted on taking me down. Once I was out of the way he'd have his shot to be at the top with Ron but he was too jealous to try. He accepted defeat then wanted to retaliate in the most irrelevant way possible. He should've gone after you're fucked up daddy."

"Bitch don't you dare talk about our father like that!"

"He was not my father!"

"He was more of a father to you than he EVER was to me." Rj yells at the top of his lungs. His voice cracks and I can hear the hurt. "He picked your dirty ass up off the street and took you in, he gave you a job, money, a beautiful way of like then you stole from him like his love meant nothing."

"His love? What part of is was love? Yeah he took me off the street then raped me and kept me locked away in his house and let the other men rape me! Including Elliot!"

"Elliot would've never touched your poor ass." Rj scoffs.

"That's why he died!" He raped me constantly through the years and one day decided that wasn't enough. He beat me and tried to steal me away but Ben stepped in a they fought. When Elliot started beating the shit out of Ben I shot him." I saved Ben's life so he covered for me. Your best friend was no angel. Neither was your father nor was your brother."

"No you're the devil. If you would've never ran away he wouldn't have found you and he'd still be alive today."

"See now that's your little partner in crime's fault." Jermaine starts. "She beat and mistreated her and stole from her so she had to get herself out of there. You're pedophile daddy got lucky."

"Don't speak on things you don't know about." Michelle starts.

"He knows! I've cried in his lap about how much I hated you! So don't speak to him."

"Kehlani see you ruin everyone's lives." Rj laughs. "Jermaine have you ever wondered what life would be like without her? Probably better, less dramatic. Easier. You're a celebrity dude! Get out there and get some famous pussy. Leave this bitch."

I grab Jermaine's arm before he could do anything.

"Matter of fact I'll give you the option right now. You leave and I'll take care of her. You have nothing to worry about and nobody would even know you're here. You can go to Miguel's and say you left them at the house. When you get home they're gone and you have no idea what happened."

"Nah man, real men don't leave their family. Guess you wouldn't know."

"How wouldn't I know?"

"You're daddy sounds like a bitch."

Rj launches at Jermaine and they start fighting.   Mike jumps out points his gun at them.

"Chill the fuck out."

"Of course y'all pussy ass niggas brought back up." Rj says as he lays on the floor. Jermaine walks over and pulls my mom down.

"You ain't going no where."

"I was going to get Lamarr out of here. He doesn't need to be anywhere near this."

"You should've thought about that before you agreed to help me." Rj says with a laugh. I pull out my gun and pout it at Rj. "Oh you're gonna kill me? In front of mom? In front of J? Lamarr?"

"You're right." He gets a smirk on his face. "Mike take everybody out of here. Including J." His smile drops.

"I'm not leaving you." Jermaine protests.

"Would you rather leave Marrs?" I ask.

"You're mom ain't gone hurt him and Mike got both of them."

"Jermaine go! And don't pull no shit like last time."

To my surprise he listens and leaves the warehouse with everyone.

All that's left is Rj and I.

"Kehlani you couldn't kill me in cold blood."

"You took my child, threatened my family, and held my mother hostage. Tell me why I shouldn't just blow you're brains out right here."

"Because you've never killed someone in cold blood like this."

"What about Elliot and the rest of your family. You think I fucked them over pretty well."

"I know you didn't. Just let me go."

I laugh in his face. "You really think I'm that weak."

"Well you are."

I shoot him in the knee, he groans in pain. He spits at me so I shoot him in the other one.

"Fuck! You stupid bitch I'll kill you." He holds his knees and starts to cry. "I just wanted to love you."

"What?" I ask. Love me? This nigga has hated me always.

"When you worked for my dad I fell in love with you. But he had you. You were fucking my dad, you fucking slut."

"He raped me!" I shoot him in his foot. He yells in pain. "All of them raped me. Your whole disgusting family."

"You could've had me but you picked Ben."

"Yeah that was a mistake but I'm pretty sure picking you would've been even worse."

"Fuck you! Fuck Jermaine! Fuck your crackhead mom! And fuck that ki-" I shoot him in between his eyes.

He falls back and lays still. I tuck my gun back in my pants and walk outside.

Lamarr calls for me once he sees me. I get into the back seat with him and cradle him in my arms.

J stays outside with Michelle and Mike.

"I missed you mommy. There was a bad man and grandma took me in the car. I don't like Mr.Rj mommy."

I blink my tears away before I answer him.

"It was a dream pumpkin. Just a little nightmare, everything is ok."

"Okay. Can I sleep with you tonight mommy? I don't want another nightmare."

"Yes baby you can sleep with us. You can sleep with us every night if you want."

"Yay!" He says. He hugs me tight and lays his head on my chest. I miss his forehead and thank God I have him back.


"Y'all go home. I'll deal with shit here."


"Go get Kehlani's gun."

I see Keh and Marrs cuddling in the backseat. I walk over to them and open the door on Keh's side.

"Hey mama, hey Marrs.

"Hey daddy."

"We're gonna go home in a second."


I slide Keh's gun out of her belt and tuck it in mine. I give her a kiss on the head and close the door back. Mike takes the gun, empties the clip, and wipes it off completely.

"Jermaine I'm so sorry I-"

"I don't care." She shuts up and pleads with her eyes. She looks at the car and I block her view. "Neither does she."

"Y'all ain't have anything to do with this." He nods at me. I nod back. He then gives it to Michelle and takes her inside. She begs all the way in for him to let her go or take her life.

I get into our car and drive home.

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