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Jermaine helped me bring Mike into our house and we sat him at the table. I started to work on his leg as Jermaine questioned him.

"What happened? Lani said the place was shot up." Prepare a cotton ball with alcohol.

"This is gonna hurt." I warn him. He nods. I tuck my hair behind my ear as the

"Some dudes came to the spot and shot it all up. Lorenzo's men weren't quick enough. Luckily not all of us were in there but Lorenzo-FUCK!" He hikes his leg up from the pain.

"Told you. Be still." I hold his leg down while dabbing it.

"Lorenzo was there and he died." I started to pull the bullet out with tweezers. "Damn man be gentle!"

"Watch your tone." Jermaine says coldly. I give him the eye.

"I'm literally pulling a bullet out of his leg, calm down." He rolls his eyes but changes his demeanor.

"But anyway everyone died but you survived?" He asked skeptically.

"Some of them niggas escaped. I have a steel desk for a reason." He says. I finally get the bullet out and set it in the pile of trash I've made. I get the sewing stuff and start to stitch up his leg.

"So what does this mean?" Jermaine asks.

"Well it means I'm pretty much free. I was working for Lorenzo but now that he's gonna I can go do whatever I want without having anything to worry about." He sighs. I smile to myself at his words. That's great for him. I wish I could say the same for us.

"Well that sounds good for you nigga but we don't have the same luxury." Jermaine says.

"What happened? Ron's dead. We killed that dude that was coming for y'all a couple years ago. What's wrong now?"

"Well we don't exactly know." I finish wrapping up his leg and get up to throw away the stuff. I come back and sit on Jermaine's lap.

"What's been going on?"

"We've been getting these notes." I pull them from my pocket. "That's what I came to y'all for today. I was gonna show you these and explain what's been happening. I needed your help since y'all helped me find the person last time."

"Well this is harder since we don't know who to look for. Y'all have no clue who's could be after y'all this time? Anyone with motive?"

"Nah, Ben was after Lani in jealousy and Ron wanted her for stealing." Jermaine reminds him.

"Well maybe they're after you. You're a celebrity, there's gotta be hella people that hate you."

"Yeah but nobody crazy enough to come and put fucking notes on my front door."

"Ight tell me everything, from the first note to the last." He says.

And we do tell him everything. Even about our fight last night. I can tell how hard he's thinking. Im glad I sat on Jermaine, the silence and concentration from Mike is making me anxious. Jermaine's long, strong arm around my waist eases it a little. His embrace always makes me feel better.

"This is hard. Let me see the notes and I'll see what I can do. I'm sure I can figure something out but I may need more information along the way. Let me get y'all numbers." We give him our cell numbers and house number. "I'm gonna go home, I know my wife is worried about me."

"You have a wife?" I ask with deep confusion. Usually people who aren't the higher ups don't have much close family, and need get married. Only ever maybe have girlfriends. Most just date within the organization.

"Yeah I've had to keep her a secret." He explains. "That why I understand how you feel. I know you want to protect your family at all costs."

"Thanks man." J daps him up.

"Ima head out. Oh and as soon as we figure this shit out and make a plan you gotta give your kid to someone. Just for the meantime. We don't need any collateral as precious as that."

"Of course." I say. My core tingles with hurt as I think about even the possibility of Lamarr getting hurt.

Jermaine walks Mike out as soon as he gets an Uber.

I sit down at the table to think. I hold my chin in my hand and stare into the distance.

"Babygirl." I look at Jermaine. He looks at me with concern.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking I-"

He comes and sits in the chair Mike was in. "Lani it's fine. You were just tryna help. I'm not mad." He reaches behind my head and tangles his fingers in my hair. He pulls me closer and kisses me gently. "Let's go get Marrs." I nod.

"Mommy I'm tired." Lamarr says as I rub lotion on his body.

"Me too pumpkin. After this you're going to bed."

"Can you stay with me mommy?" He asks in his sweet voice. I smile at his adorable request.

"Of course I will."

I finish lotioning him then I follow him to his room. I let him climb in bed on his own and get comfortable. I turn the nightlight on then turn off his ceiling lights.

I make a palette on the floor with covers and lay on it beside the bed.

Quickly he falls asleep while I'm kept up by my thoughts. Once I make sure he's out I fold the covers back up and go to my room. I come in to seeing Jermaine sitting up in the bed watching tv. He doesn't have on a shirt so his muscular body is exposed. Even though I'm very stressed and my anxiety is through the roof, my physical attraction to Jermaine is very present. I go into the bathroom to get ready for bed. Once I'm done I come out and change into one of J's T-shirt's and just keep on my panties. I get into the bed and lay my head in his lap.

Immediately his hand goes to my hair. He gently massages my scalp with his large hands. It relaxes me a lot and makes me feel sleepy.

"You asleep down there?" He asks softly.

"Not yet." I tell him.

"You waiting on me ain't you?" I nod. He moves his hand from out of my hair so I sit up. He turns off the tv then shrinks into the bed to where he's laying down. I lay on his chest and relax into his body as we become one. One of his hands rubs my neck and my scalp, the other rubs my leg that's on him. My hand rests on his collar. He kisses my forehead then sighs. "We're gonna be ok baby."




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