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The ride is silent. No radio, no talking, can't even hear each other's breathing. I make a few turns and finally reach it. As soon as we get to the warehouse and are about to call Mike, Mike calls us.

"Come on." Keh says as she kicks a box in frustration. We have to go meet Mike at the other warehouse.

"Babe lets just go." I tell her. We get into the car and follow the GPS there. She checks the clip of the gun and puts more in her pockets.

"We're gonna get this bitch, I promise on everything." My knuckles get lighter from me gripping the steering wheel.

"I got him."

"What you mean?"

"I'll kill him, you get Lamarr." She says blankly.

"What about your mom?"

"Fuck her, she got herself into this mess. If anything happens to her it's her own fault."

All I do is nod because nothing I say will change her mind. Also she's not wrong. Her mother got herself into this mess, if she wants mercy she should've thought about that before kidnapping our child.

The nerve of her to come back into her daughter's life, who's life she fucked up, then pull some shit like this. That's not a person who deserves mercy. And neither I nor Keh plan on giving it to her.

And that nigga RJ, he getting capped whether Keh does it or I do. He played my baby and then stole my baby. He touched an untouchable and now he getting touched with my 9.

We get to the warehouse and pop out. Mike stops us before we storm in.

"Im gone go first because y'all niggas look like you gone go in shooting and that would ruin both of yall's life. Now he expecting y'all but not me, so I'm gone open the door and walk ahead and hide, y'all go in smooth." We nod and tuck our guns. Mike walks ahead of us and opens the door. We follow him inside and watch him find somewhere to be out of sight.

"Hey Lani, miss you girl." Rj comes into sight and walks toward Lani to give her a hug. I step infront of her so he can't reach. "Come on J don't be like that."

He holds his hands up in surrender and backs away. "Hope you're not that rude to your family." He motions over to Michelle and Lamarr.

Lamarr is laying over there unconscious, my blood boils and I ball my fists.

"The fuck did you do to him!"

"Nothing! Jermaine he's just sleeping. I gave him food and told him to take a na-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Lani yells at her. "How dare you give my son anything."

"Kehlani that is no way to speak to your mother." Rj says.

"Fuck you too!" She yells. I hold her back and try to get her to calm down.

"Nah J, let her loose. She had every right to be angry but so do I."

"Like hell you do."

"Or really? Let's see. You stole my dad from me, poisoned Ben with your feminine whiles, then had all of my family killed."

"No I didn't, your family was a bunch of liars and killers. I saved myself and that's all."

"Oh really? So you never killed anyone?"


"Remember Elliot?"

Kehlani stood silent. I turned to look at her and the color was flushed from her face.

"Keh?" I ask softly.

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