Chapter 1

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Okay so I wrote this story a year ago and isn't that great so I apologize for that. I've gone back and editing some of it but not all. If you want to read better Children Of Eden fanfic then you should read other fanfics on my account instead. Overall, I'm sorry for the poor quality of this story.

Just click on my account to see my profile and other stories if you don't even want to bother with this one.
Thumbs are pressed in my eyes and daggers are stabbed into my skull. I scream because it is all I can do, but that only makes it feel worse. I can't see! I rub my eyes in confusion. Someone grabs my hands.

"You can't do that!" She says. I stumble back. I swear she sounds like my mom, at first I have that automatic feeling of relaxation and joy, but then I remember what she did to me.

"No!" I scream. She touches me again and I flail wildly.

"No! Please don't touch me!" I say starting to cry. She grabs me again, "No!" I scream again. I have a deep urge to fights back but I can't quite reach that part of me.

"Rowan get it together!" With this demand, I realize who it is. It isn't my mother, it's Flame.

"Flame?" I ask.

"Yes now-" she starts to answer but I cut her off.

"Are we at the Underground?" I ask drying my tears in confusion.

"Yes," She says growing inpatient. "How do you feel?" She asks.

"I feel like my eyes are being ripped out of my skull, I can't see either!" I start to raise my voice.

"Do you remember anything?" Larks pipes up from the side of the room. It takes me a moment to realize why we did this surgery in the first place, and indeed I do not remember anything. My heart drops. Who am I now? I shake my head.

"No," I whisper and a heartbreaking silence follows.

"That's ok," I hear Ash say breaking the silence. "What's important is that you are ok...we'll tell you all about yourself and...and you'll be happy." I can hear the sureness in his voice.

"Yeah," I whisper to comfort him. My urge to comfort him comes from something deep inside. It's overwhelming and it dominates my pain right now.

"So you remember nothing?" Adder growls from the corner of the room.

"No, I'm sorry," I say although I don't feel like I'm the one who should be sorry. They're not the ones who got screwed over here.

"Bik!" She says under her breath.

"That's okay though," Lark says. "Like Ash said you will be happy in no time, and we will love you just the same." I nod but I'm not sure I believe her.

"Who's here?" I ask.

"Flint, Adder, Ash, Lark, Iris, and Lachlan," Flame says. Now I start to wonder why Lachlan hasn't said anything. I know he won't be so easy to accept this.

"Lachlan, are you ok?" I ask. Right after I say it I realize how stupid this question sounds. He should be the one asking me if I'm ok.

"Yep," He says shortly. Just like when I first met him-or I guess the second, first time I met him-I feel half sympathetic, half pissed that he is being short and rude when I'm the one who is going through all of this. Even through that I can see how hard this is for him. Or actually, I can't see...about that.

"Why can't I see?" I ask. Flame sighs. I don't know much about her but I can tell she doesn't like admitting defeat.

"I don't should be able to see just fine in theory, but...lefty was fine. The right eye though presented more significant problems. I found I couldn't completely sever the connection, so I had to be a little more aggressive. Unfortunately...hey in my defense, I don't think there's a person in Eden who could have done what I did with old Lefty, even the people who were messing with your neurons in the first place. Do you realize that your lenses were intricately linked directly to your brain? Most lenses have a slight connection via the optic nerve to the brain, but yours were almost fully involved. I've never seen such a tangle of real and artificial nerves. If those lenses had stayed in a few more months, it would have been irreversible. We're lucky we got one out and severed your connection to the EcoPan."

"What difference does it make?" I yell. "I have two eye colors, I may never see again, and on top of all that, I didn't even get my memory back! What was all of this for?" I ask progressively getting louder. A silence follows.

"'s okay," Ash says weakly. My first impulse is anger. Easy for you to say, is my first thought. Ok? None of this is ok, I also think. But a deep part of me just wants to keep my brother happy and carefree so I again nod, swallowing my feelings.

"I know Ash I'm sorry I'm just...tired," I say. After I say it I realize that I really am exhausted. "Well, that works because I'm going to give you something that will make you sleep for about a day." Flame says sitting me back down in bed.

"Not yet!" Adders voice says from the corner. "We still need information, she can still tell us things."

"That can wait," Says Flame disdainfully.

"No, it can't!" She argues.

"Yes. It can. Now if you will excuse me I am responsible for her health and that is my main concern. Lie down," She tells me. I lay down on top of the quilt.

"What happens if I don't get my vision back?" I ask snuggling down in bed. "I don't want to be trapped again I feel like I just got my freedom for the first time...I know I've been free my whole life, and at Oaks but it just feels like..." I suddenly realize that I've only spent the last six months at Oaks, or as Yarrow for that matter...I probably have been trapped my whole life, hiding as a second child, never leaving the safety of my home.

"Rowan, you're not trapped. You never have been. You probably only feel that way because you were a prisoner at the Center," Ash says.

He doesn't understand. He doesn't understand the misery of being stuck in a house for sixteen years with only three people to talk to. I don't remember the misery but I can still feel it. It's a feeling he could never understand.

"You sound crazy," Ash adds at the end with a laugh.

"No you don't," Lachlan says which surprises me. "You sound like...." he pauses like he's trying to think of the word. "Yourself."

I smile and tears fill my eyes. That's all the comfort I need right now. I am turned towards them so I know they can see them.

"Ok let's get you to sleep, " Flame says. I feel a prick in my arms and suddenly I am floating toward the roof but not before I smell Lachlan and feel lips on my forehead that I'm sure belongs to him.

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