Chapter 6

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"What are you doing?" I whisper to Lachlan. Lachlan and I are walking up the stairs of the Underground, to the surface.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"To the surface," He says with a grin. I feel my stomach lurch. Isn't every Green-Shirt searching for me right now? What if I'm recognized? Lachlan seems to see the uneasiness on my face. Lachlan takes my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

"You never have to be afraid when you're with me," He says with a grin. The funny thing is, I believe him. When I'm with him I know that I'm completely safe, and happy, and understood. Which is refreshing to say.

"Yeah, you must have plenty of experience sneaking out or not being seen, stuff like that, you know...after you stalked me for six months," I say. I smile sardonically at him. He glares back at me jokingly.

"You're one to talk you know?" He says. "You sneak into parties you're too young for."

"Snuck." I correct him. "My party days are over." Lachlan nods jokingly.

"Whatever you say, Ro."

"No, but seriously. Why do we need to go to the surface?" I ask.

"I'm taking you to meet someone," He says unable to suppress a grin. I immediately let go of his hand and stop in my tracks. I don't like the idea of meeting this mystery person.

"Don't worry he's a friend of mine - well actually ..." Lachlan looks up thinking. "Well, you'll see, but I promise you, everything is ok, he can be trusted, I wouldn't risk your life just to meet someone anything less than trustworthy...come on, you'll love him, I did before," Lachlan says then holds out his hand for me to take. I take Lachlan's hand and head to the surface with him.

"So I knew this guy before?" I ask.

"Yes." Lachlan says curtly.

When we reach the surface it's night and I feel a chill go down my spine, this all feels too familiar. I remember walking down this street with Pearl and the other girls after we won that contest for the homeless. Now I can see how cruel that was to lie and take something from people who actually needed it. It's not like anyone in that competition was homeless anyway. It still could've went to someone who needed it more. Not a group of brats who haven't had a second thought about money in there lives.

Then it hits me- There's no poverty in Eden. I immediately stop in my tracks staring straight ahead. Lachlan stops too and looks at me concerned. He starts to look around.

"What?" He asks. My brain feels fuzzy. Suddenly I remember a dirty beggar with a cane. That couldn't possibly be from my time as Yarrow. Am I remembering things from my time as Rowan?

"Lach...I might be making things up but...was... was there a time when Eden was poor?" I ask. Lachlan still seems confused, but answers.

"Yes, the outer circles used to have terrible poverty, it's different, now though...I'll explain it all later."

"It's just that...I think I remember meeting a beggar...when I was Rowan." This seems to make Lachlan grin.

"I'll explain later," Lachlan's says intwining our fingers.

"That doesn't seem weird to you at all though? I mean there isn't supposed to be poverty in Eden but...but there was... I think," I say in confusion, thinking so hard my brain might explode. Lachlan gives my hand another reassuring squeeze, then grins at me.

"Don't worry about it. You're not going crazy. I'll explain later, tonight please just relax," He says letting go of my hand and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I wrap my arm around his waist and lean into him. I take a deep breath as his sent fills my nose. I close my eyes and let him guide me.

"I'm closing my eyes so you better not let me trip on anything," I say sternly. He just chuckles in response. "I mean it!" I scold him still keeping my eyes closed. Lachlan slowly rubs circles on my shoulder with his thumb as we walk, occasionally kissing my head. We walk for what seems like half an hour, but I don't complain, or ask anymore questions. I'm enjoying the alone time with Lachlan.

"Alright we're here," Lachlan says loosening his grip on me a little. When I open my eyes I see a apartment building. It's not shabby but we definitely aren't in an inner circle. Lachlan takes my hand and leads me to a back entrance where we climb a flight of stairs.

"Is this where he lives?" I ask placing my hand on a railing for balance as I walk. Lachlan nods unable to contain a grin again.

"He's wanted to meet you again," Lachlan says opening the door to a hallway. We step into a hallway lined with numbered doors. Lachlan nocks a pattern on door 38 as I stand behind him, anxiously. Lachlan notices my unease and he takes my hand again, pulling me to stand next to him.

Door 38 opens only a few seconds after Lachlan knocks and we're greeted by a friendly face. The man who opens the door is an inch taller than Lachlan, has a muscular build and has black neatly cut hair. He immediately smiles when he sees us.

"It's you!" He says wrapping Lachlan into a tight hug.

"Who were you expecting?" Lachlan responds hitting the mans back, "who else have you been teaching that knock?"

"Oh shut up, I didn't realize you were bringing her though." He says directing his attention towards me. He wraps me in a quick hug as well, I try to muffle a groan as he squishes my unhealed bruises.

"Should I not be here?" I ask Lach nervously.

"No! I'm happy to have you. I'm Rook by the way. You're all Lachlan has talked about the past few days, it's refreshing honestly because Lachlan refused to talk about you the past six months, I mean honestly-"

"Rook!" Lachlan yells, "care to invite us in?" He says looking at Rook with a mixture of amusement and annoyance, in a very brotherly way. Rook steps aside to let me and Lachlan in. Lachlan immediately leads me to one of the couches in the living space, and we sit together.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" Rook asks politely. I look at Lachlan, he shakes his head. Rook turns to me for my response, I shake my head as well. "Ok, well nothing as good as an old chat then."

"I think Lachlan mentioned you when he was summarizing my life as Rowan. He didn't go into detail though, just that I pushed you. How'd we meet?" I say abruptly. Rook grins at me.

"Getting straight to the point is see," Rook says in an amused tone. He's very friendly. I can see why I liked him before. "Well that's a long story, we can get into it later, but not now."

"How'd you meet Lachlan?" I ask. This question earns a laugh from both of them. " it obvious? Or just a funny story?" I say feeling suddenly insecure. Rook shakes his head through laughter.

"Geez, Lachlan do you tell her nothing?" Rook says. Lachlan stops laughing, then sighs.

"Sometimes I forget how little she much you've forgotten," Lachlan says tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. This wins an award winning moment of silence from every one in the room until Rook speaks up.

"Well, I was about...a year and a half when I met him, but I think my first memory was when I was like 3, and he tripped and got a bloody nose...funniest bikking thing, I swore I wouldn't forget it, and I never have," Rook says demolishing every bit of tension in the room.

"What?" I say through my laughter. I'm laughing so hard I'm getting a cramp.

"Rook, try to be a little more clear," Lachlan says.

"You're one to talk," Rook responds jokingly.

"Rowan, please excuse his smart ass....what he's trying to say is that, Rooks my brother."

Elites of Eden: Yarrow Not RowanWhere stories live. Discover now