Chapter 11

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This is a pretty long chapter but super important so brace yourself.😋


"So...Did you like Gravity?" Lachlan asks raising his eyebrows at me. I grab Lachlan by the collar of his shirt and pull him into a passionate kiss. It feel like I haven't kissed him in forever. Lachlan kisses me back. When I pull back he keeps his eyes closed and sighs, savoring the moment. When he opens his eyes I start to talk.

"I loved Gravity and I loved the ceremony. We should do something special to celebrate," I say wrapping my arms around his neck and looking up at him.

"Celebrate What?" He asks. I shrug.

"My happiness," I state simply. Lachlan smiles.

"I have an idea, all you need to do is grab a change of clothes."
"Where are we going? You know I hate the surface," I say as we walk up the steps together. Lachlan holds a bag that he stuffed my spare clothes in, and I'm guessing, has his clothes in it too.

"I know you hate the surface so I won't let you out of my sight this time. And where we're going is a surprise," He says. I roll my eyes. Why must he always be so dramatic?

"I hate surprises," I state simply. Lachlan nods.

"I get that. The unknown is pretty scary," He says.

"No. It's not the unknown I'm afraid of," I say. "It's the facts that you're acting cringey as bik right now." Lachlan looks at me quizzically.

"Sometimes I forget that you still have Yarrow in you," He says simply. I know that reminders of Yarrow hurt him. I know that he likes to just pretend that I'm Rowan, just with a little bit of an off personality. But the truth is I still have Yarrow tendencies. I'm starting to hate them more and more. I'm starting to hate myself more and more.

When we reach the surface Lachlan and I walk for what seems like an hour or two. By now the sun has set. I'm nervous and tense. Lachlan notices this and takes my hand reassuringly. We reach a large beige building in a middle circle.

"What is this place?" I ask.

"This is a sort of children's church. They use it as a camp for them in the summer. They teach children about the earth and how to care for it." He says pulling on a pair of doors. It's locked. He starts to walk around the building to check the side doors.

"And they only use it in the summer?" I ask. Lachlan nods.

"I used to sneak in here all the time as a kid," He says finally getting a pair of doors to open.

"And as an adult, obviously," I say. Lachlan gives me a grin.

"I haven't really been here in years, but I snuck in once to clear my head after you were captured," He walks in without turning on a light switch. He leads me through the dark until he turns to the right and opens a door. Inside the room is a pool illuminated by blue lights beneath the surface. The room is dark but glows dimly blue. This is so bikking romantic. The pool is so eloquently done for something just meant for kids. The walls are made from artificial rock and stone. There's a trickling waterfall in the corner of the pool. The roof has small lights that make it look like there's stars above. When I step in the room I feel like I'm in a natural spring in the wilderness. This place is so peaceful. Lachlan sets the bag down and takes out two towels.

"So this is where you come to clear your head?" I ask him stepping nearer to the pool. Lachlan grins.

"Yeah, it might not be Gravity's ways makes me feel better." Lachlan takes off his shirt and I can't help but stare. His shoulders are broad and his muscles are toned from years of fighting. What attracts most of my attention is the scars on him. A bullet wound on his shoulder I've never seen, a long scar up his abdomen, a short scar on his ribs that looks like he was stabbed just low enough to miss his lungs. Each one has a story. A story I want to know.

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