Chapter 22

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This chapter takes place after Chapter 27 of Elites Of Eden happens. I don't want to write my own version of the explosion so just read chapter 27 of Elites Of Eden to get caught up. Also read page 269-272 of chapter 28. This chapter takes place after then.
I've been watching you too, Rowan. I've seen many acts of bravery...and many acts of cowardice. I've seen you shine and Yarrow stiffly your flame or vice versa. There is a tense pause. I must admit I am impressed with you, Rowan. But there is a problem.

"What?" I ask. I'm still taken aback that the Ecopan has even noticed me at all.

You've spent the last seven months as Yarrow. I have seen much courage in those seven months...but it is impossible for me to tell if it was you, or Yarrow being selfless. I've seen much bravery from you before you were Yarrow...but not enough. I have high hopes for you Rowan, but I cannot let you free. Not yet.

"So that forest I saw? It was real?" I ask breathless.

Yes. The earth is healed and as living as you are.

This is ironic because I'm still not entirely sure I'm alive.

You are alive, Rowan. And so is your brother. Would you like to see him?

"Yes," I say hastily. A metal ball appears before me. I tap it and a blue hologram comes from it.
Inside of it I can see the Underground. I see the horrible rubble of my old home, the burnt ashes of the tree. Then people...a group of people maybe ten of them. They're wearing rock climbing equipment, they must have been lowered down here. At the front of the team is Ash. Then under rocks, and rubble, you can just barely see me. Will I survive that? I'm not sure.

You will survive, Rowan. I'll make sure of it.

In the group I see Rook and Flint as well. They walk through the rubble together looking for...I'm not sure what they're looking for. Ash starts to walk ahead of the group. I see him coming closer to my body. He's looking around attentively. He, if no one else, is looking for me.

Finally, he steps on my hand, one of the only body parts visible. Most of me is hidden under pounds and pounds of rock.

"Over here!" Ash calls. A man in his mid twenties rushes towards him. The rest of the group stays behind. They start to dig me out together. "It's Rowan!"

I see a man leach forward and Rook grabs him. It's Lachlan! I hadn't even noticed him. He's alive! Lachlan struggles against Rook, and Rook struggles to keep hold of him, but he manages to hold Lachlan back.

The man helping Ash picks up my limp, ash covered body, without even checking my pulse. He turns towards the group and shakes his head. I would think me dead too. I look so lifeless. I'm limp, my limbs dangling, and almost every inch of me is covered in soot.

"No!" Lachlan screams as he falls to his knees. I've never heard someone scream with such anguish. He starts to sob as he struggles to his feet. Rook tries to hold Lachlan back again but nothing can stop him. Lachlan runs to me, tears streaming down his face, and falls to his knees before the man. The man kneels down and lays me in Lachlan's arms.

Lachlan holds me, brushing the hair out of my face. He's still crying but he's calm with me in his arms.

"No," He whispers. I can hear him as if he's right next to me.

Do good. I'll be watching. I see you, Rowan.

I wake up and I feel a pounding pain all over my body. Obviously, because I was just crushed by boulders. The first thing I see is Lachlan face. He gasps.

"You're alive?" He gasps. He holds me tighter, digging his face into my neck. I can feel his warm tears against me. I feels so comfortable here in his arms. "I thought I lost you."

"Rowan?" Ash asks. I take this opportunity to look at my brother. He has tears in his eyes too. I don't move away from Lachlan but I extend my hand towards Ash. I try to say something but my throat is dry and scratchy. I start to cough so hard I can't breath. My vision goes blurry and I pass out.
I wake up confused and in pain. I always wake up like this now a days.

"She's awake," I hear a voice say. Flame is over me shining a light in my eyes. I push her away and sit up, ripping my IV out of my arm.

"Rowan, calm the Bikk down!" She protests. I look around and in the bed next to me I see Lark.

"Oh!" I sigh. I run to her and hold her in my arms. She holds me, but stiffly. When I pull away it's like I'm seeing her for the first time in seven months. Oh, how could I ever let her go? I look at her beautiful, confused, face and can't help myself. I lean forward and kiss her gently. I see a small smile come across her face but it's immediately gone.

"I remember," I tell her breathlessly. "I remember everything!"

She smiles slightly then shifts away from me. Only now do I realize we have an audience. Rook, Flint, Ash, Flame, Lachlan, Iris, and my father stand at the other side of the room.

"Rowan..." She's looking at me as if she doesn't quite know who I am.

"Lark?" I ask, fearing the worst.

"'s great but..." Her eyes flicker to the others. "They say that Elena already drugged me. She didn't start changing anything but...I'm not quite sure of anything...or anyone." She moves farther from me.

"She tampered with your memory?" I ask. I'm enraged.

"No," She says shaking her head. "They just made it all blurry."

"So they did change it?" I ask. Lark shrugs.

"I... I don't know what you want me to say," She says. She seems to cower beneath my anger. Tears fill my eyes.

Still looking at Lark I say, "I have something to tell you all." Then start to tell them about Aaron and the forest.

Elites of Eden: Yarrow Not RowanWhere stories live. Discover now