Chapter 13

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I look at the huge Camphor tree. Something about it just doesn't feel right. Sometimes when I look at the beauty for too long I start to feel angry. Angry at me. Angry at Yarrow. Angry at the tree itself!

I know I should feel guilty for having such spiteful thoughts about the last living thing on earth, but I don't. I get the feeling I felt when looking at that bowl of dirt in the Chamber Of Mysteries. It's almost a mockery of life! There were million of trees at one point. The camphor tree is just a reminder of our failure.

"What are you thinking about?" I hear a voice ask from behind me and I whirl around.

"Lachlan," I say recognizing his voice immediately. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. I thought I'd come see you before I leave," He says.

"Where are you going?" I ask him.

"I have to go on a mission for a couple of nights. I can't talk about it. I'll be back in like a week," He says stepping forward to give me a goodbye hug.

"Well, you can't leave yet! I still have to talk to you about the memory I remembered," I say taking a step back.

"Shh," Lachlan cautions. "If Flint finds out you got even a shred of your memory back he'll torture the rest out of you!" My stomach lurches at the thought. Lachlan must see it on my face.

"Listen to me, Rowan. I don't want to leave you here, not while you're so vulnerable, but I have to. If you need to take your mind off of things go find Gravity, she's usually in the kitchens, or find the children, they'd love to hear about any of your adventures from above. See you soon." He kisses my head then walks in the opposite direction.

"Goodbye," I sigh once he's too far away to hear me. "Be safe." I roll my eyes at Lachlan's inconsideration. I feel a tug on my pants and look down.

"Why do you look so sad?" Rainbow asks me tilting her head. I can't help but smile.

"I'm just really confused, that's all," I tell her. "I'm not feeling very happy today." She considers this. Suddenly her face lights up as if she's just had a brilliant idea. She takes my hand and starts to lead me.

"Come with me. Let me show you what Lark showed me," She says. I feel a pang of guilt when I think about Lark. The way I feel for her, the way I feel for Lachlan. The way she mesmerizes me, and for a second makes me forget everything I feel for Lachlan. The way Lachlan comforts me. The way I feel like I have a safe, happy, future with him...

Rainbow leads me to a room with dozens of beds in it. They vary from toddler beds to twin beds. The floors are covered with toys, drawings, and crafts.

"This is where the kids sleep, they're at school right now," She says simply. A troubled look crosses her face as she stops at a toddlers bed. "This is my bed, but Iris said I'll get a big girl bed soon...we just have too many big kids right now." I grin at her.

"Alright. So what did Lark show you?" I ask raising my eyebrows. She rummages under her bed for a second then comes out with a small, metal, contraption, about the size of her palm. I recognize it immediately and grin knowing it definitely used to be Larks. Rainbow is holding a hair color changing wand.

"Sit," Rainbow demand, I do, putting full trust in her. Honestly, I'm so broken, and confused I don't even mind a four year old doing my hair. Rainbow starts running the device through random strands of my hair.

"Rainbow," I ask. "Do you think Lachlan loves me?" My cheeks heat up at how small and weak I must sound...maybe I am.

She doesn't even stop to ponder my question, "Everyone knows Lach loves you. He was so sad when you were gone. He barely ever shaved! I didn't even know he could grow a beard! Don't worry though, his beard was never too long..." Rainbow goes on to talk about the pros and cons of Lachlan having a beard, but I'm not listening. I'm too consumed by my guilt. Oh Earth, everything feels so wrong! There's so many things I don't understand, so many questions left without answers!

When Lachlan gets back I'm going to demand the truth. About everything.

Elites of Eden: Yarrow Not RowanWhere stories live. Discover now