Chapter 8

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Warning! This chapter gets scary. Theres some attempted rape. If you don't remember how last chapter ended then you should refresh your memory.

Same night.
Lachlan continues to walk ahead of me. I go to call out his name again but I am stopped by something catching my mouth and tugging me backwards. At first I think I have been hit by an invisible force field but then I feel his breath on my ear.

"Try to scream, and I shoot him." The raspy voice says. It sound like he's a smoker, and it's only confirmed by the acrid smell of artificial tobacco on his breath. How do people do such things to themselves when there's only so many of us left? One hand is over my mouth and the other has a gun pointed toward Lachlan, who continues to walk ahead. I'm not sure if I want Lachlan to turn around or not. If he does he risks getting shot, if he doesn't I risk getting...I push the thought from my head. When Lachlan is finally out of sight the man lets me go and push's me to the ground on the glassy road we are standing on. When I look up at him I'm horrified by what I see.

"Brother Falcon," I breath as my heart rate goes through the roof. Brother Falcon was one of the professors at Oaks. Why is he here? Does her recognize me? He must.

"Hello, Yarrow. We've all been missing you at Oaks. We wonder where you've been," He says in that raspy voice I've always hated so much. Now I don't just despise him, I fear him. My immediate reflex is to lie, say something like 'I got lost after a party and haven't been able to find my way home', but I know that he can see my eyes so I choose to bite my tongue. "So now is the time you choose to shut up? You were always so talkative in my class."

"What are you going to do to me?" I ask in a low voice. Falcon grins.

"Well first...we'll have some fun...then I'll take you to the center where Elena will make sure you never step out of line again," He says crouching down and caressing my face. I slap his hand away.

"So you were working with her? You knew I wasn't Yarrow?" I ask as tears fill my eyes. Will I ever speak to Lachlan again? I miss him already. I don't want to forget him! I don't want to forget anything. My brother, and Lark, I adore them both, I don't want to live my life not knowing them-not understanding why I feel so incomplete without them.

"I didn't know, but I had my reasons to believe there was some foul play in your arrival at Oaks," he bends down low to whisper in my ear, "I'll be rewarded like your filthy second child mind couldn't imagine, for bringing you in...that is after I have a piece of you for myself." I can taste bitter vomit in my mouth but I swallow it.

He takes ahold of my hair and forces me to standup. I shriek as I feel my scalp pull in his direction.
Lachlan POV
I hear a shriek that is unmistakably Rowan's, I whirl around in a hurry. Bikk! She's gone. I immediately pull my gun out and jog in her direction, sulking in the shadows. I creep around the corner and see Rowan at the side of the road pushed against an old shed, that is no longer used. One of her hands are tied to the shed and the other hopelessly tries to hold back a man. He takes his meaty hands and rips the thin fabric of her shirt in half, it's slides off her body, reveling her black bra and bruises down her rib cage. Tears are rolling down Rowan's cheeks, she hasn't seen me yet. I can't remember what we were fighting about earlier this night. What could be more important than protecting her?

"Stop!" She pleads, "please don't do this! Take me to the Center if you have to...stop!" The man hits her with his gun, splitting her cheek and lip. Blood trickles down her face, she will have a nasty bruise by the time we get back home. I can't risk getting close, and the man hearing me, he'll shoot Rowan, I could shoot the man, but I can't risk hitting Rowan, he's too close. He's way too close. The man takes off his shirt and starts to fidget with the button on Rowan's pants. Pure fury ignites in me. Rowan leans back then pushes forward quickly. She head butts him. Her forehead connects with his nose before I realize what happened.

"Bikk!" I hear the man curse. He backs away from Rowan. She frantically fidgets with her ties. He kicks her in her already bruised stomach, this is when I realize he's abandoned his gun, it's on the ground several feet away, I step out from behind the tree and grab the man. I punch him one, two, three times, the pain in my knuckles is irrelevant. I'm faintly aware of Rowan's screams in the back. I may have got the advantage of surprise before but this man is sturdy and is able to steady himself. He punches me in the jaw, I back up in a haze. I feel dizzy for a second. My gun drops from my hand. Why wasn't I using it before? I was angry at him for hurting Rowan. I thought death was too little, too quick.

The man hits me again and I fall. I'm a good fighter but this man is much bigger than me. He starts to kick me repeatedly. I can hear Rowan screaming for him to stop. Suddenly I hear a gun shot and the kicking stops. I painfully sit up and see Rowan with a gun in hand pointed at where the man just fell to the floor. Rowan starts to sob. She looks at me.

"What have I done?" She says. I stand and hurry toward her. I immediately untie her. I hold her in a close embrace until she stops sobbing. Her shirts off and her pants are unbuttoned but I could care less. All that's important is helping her. She wipes away her final tears, and buttons her pants in a hurry.

"I'm so sorry," She mumbles, "I should be getting dressed." She picks up her torn shirt and tries to throw it on but it's unwearable. I unzip my jacket and start taking it off, she flinches. I put my hands out with my palms facing her like a person trying to steady a frightened deer.

"I'm going to give you my jacket, that's all," I say. Rowan nods with a gulp. I hand her my jacket and she zips it up. "Are you ok?" I ask knowing that it's a stupid question. How could she be ok after that?

"Yeah- I mean no, but... we should talk...later," she says pushing her long hair out of her face, and composing herself. I want to compliment her on her bravery, but I don't think she wants to hear it.

"Of course," I say as we start to walk away, with Rowan clinging to my arm. She looks beautiful with her hair disheveled, and my jacket over sized on her. She's sporting those bruises like their the most recent fashion accessory. She looks ahead as I look at her from the corner of my eye. All I can think about is how she is still Rowan. A few weeks ago she would be having a fit about her broken nail, and now she just went through something that very well could of been the worst moment of her life, she doesn't complain once.

This is why, no matter if she remembers me, no matter if she loves me back, I will always love her... this is why I fell for her...this is why I love her.

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