Chapter 17

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I wake up and my heart drops, sirens! A dreadful, loud, wail is coming from every direction, bouncing off the stone walls to meet my ears. I sit up with my stomach whirling, and Lachlan's already out of bed, his gun in hand.

"Lachlan, what's happening?" I'm already fully awake, my heart pounding. I know that the people of the Underground have drills, even in the night, but I'm afraid, and I think something is very wrong.

"Stay here," He says then heads out of his door in a hurry, and I'm alone again. I look around at the colorful paintings in his room. Suddenly, the alarms cuts off and the silence feels more frightening than the sirens. I slowly rise to my feet and walk to Lachlan's dresser. I can hear the muffled sound of my footsteps on the stone.

I open Lachlans dresser and find a black, wool sweater. I take it out, take off my shirt, and put it on. It reaches below my butt and the sleeves come several inches past my fingers. I hug myself as I look at Lachlans amazing art. Lachlan comes barreling into the room his hair attractively falling in his face.

"What's going on? Are you okay?" I ask. Lachlans out of breath.

"Come here, quick," He demands.

"What's happening?" I ask. I see Lachlans panic and I know this isn't just a drill. 

"There's an attack. That boy was lying when he said he didn't call for back up. There's Greenshirts-tons of them. They're pouring in they...they...listen I don't have time to explain this to you, but you need to come with me. Quick! Let me show you how to use a gun." He pulls a gun out of his waistband and gives it to me. He shows me how to slide it out of the holster, do and undo the safety, and fire it. "Can you remember that?" 

"I think so," I reply. I put the gun in my waistband and look at him. One of us, if not both, is going to die today. I see his gaze linger in mine for a moment too long, and know he's thinking the same as me. He clears his throat as he tears his gaze away from me.

"Okay, I need you to find the rest of the children, I already got about half of them to safety. There is a hatch that will lead under the tree, you'll need to dig for it. Make sure you cover it back up with dirt and leaves. Greenshirts might be closed minded but they're not blind. And Rowan, please be careful, stay safe. Can you do that?" Lachlan asks. I nod.

"Good. Don't kill anyone unless you have to, Rowan. Keeping you innocent might be the last thing I can do for you...and Rowan...if I die-"

"Don't talk like that! You won't die, you're the strongest person I know, you''re." I feel my throat tighten and I almost start to cry. I take a deep breath and blink away my tears taking Lachlans face in my hands. "You're going to live...for me. If no other reason for me."

"I'll do anything to make it back to you," He says. I can see the tears in his eyes that he is trying to blink away. Suddenly, his hands are in my hair and he pulls me to him. The way he handles me it seems like he is going to kiss me hard, but instead he kisses me tenderly, lingeringly. When he break apart he swallows. He's staring at me intensely. 

"Go find the children. Stay alive. I can't lose you again." His voice breaks for a moment, then he gets himself together again. "I can't lose you again. I haven't even gotten you back completely." 

"I know, and I'll do anything to make it back to you." I swallow snapping back into reality. "You have to go to the fight. Quickly! And I need to find Ash and Lark while looking for the children."

"Once you find them hide. You can't hide under the tree though, not unless you find someone to cover it after, I'm sorry."

With one last meaningful glance he turns around and opens the door. I can hear gunfire. We both take off at top speed together, side by side. When we reach the middle of the cavern he keeps going straight heading to the fight, and I turn left, we part ways. Right as I turn I grab his hand and squeeze. He stops, just a moment, and looks me in the eye, squeezing my hand back.

"I love you," He says.

"I love you too," I say. Without another exchange he continues to run ahead, and although I don't want to go on, I have to, and I run in my own direction. I run through hallway after hallway. I go into every room and ask, "Is anyone in here? It's me, Rowan. I'm a second child." I get no reply every time.

"Rowan?" I hear a voice call behind me. I turn around and I'm met by Larks face, three children hide behind her leg. She looks terrified yet so strong. I run to her and hug her, and without thinking, give her a quick kiss on the lips. "Thank earth you're safe. Do you know where Ash is?"

"No, I was hoping you would," I say. She shakes her head. I sigh. Where the hell is he? "Help me hide these children."

"Where?" She asks. 

"There's a hiding spot under the tree. I haven't seen it yet but Lachlan told me about it."

"That won't work," She says. "They've already breached the defense, they've flooded the cavern. They'll probably be here any second."

I can hear the despair in her voice. There are two boys at her feet and one little girl. The little girl has rich brown hair, and huge blue eyes. 

The little girl says, " I think I know where we can go."

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