Activity Log 11: Do or Die

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3rd POV
Eli pulls out his Desert Eagles and pointed them to the group. The other three did the same. Nikki pulled out her Glock, Manny with his throwing knives and Jerry with a Revolver. Hitari then looked confused, dug through her cabinets and pulled out kitchen knives.

"Eli, what do you think you're doing?", Manny asked. "Yeah? Are you out of your mind?!", Nikki added. "Were you?! When you entered that facility and stole those memory cards that contained files of weapon designs and missile launch codes from the archived files?!", Eli asked angrily.

Nikki found that in disbelief. "Bullshit! It's not my fault that Hitari didn't tell me which room is which!"

"I did! I did told you which room to go! I told you the IT Room, NOT the Archives!", Hitari yelled.

"She does have a point there, Nikki.", Jerry added.

"Shut up, Jerry! If those cards still worth a lot, then I'll just sell them to a client who'll pay!", Nikki planned.

Eli! Those cards can still be tracked! If we don't put them back in in the Archives, the Organization of World Offer will kill them! "Good! They'll do the job for me!", Eli shouted. The group looked confused.

"Who the hell are you talking to?!", Nikki asked. "The AI in my earpeace, dumbass! She said the cards are still trackable. If I don't put them back to the Archives, the Organization of World Offer will SWAT on your asses and kill you!", Eli told the truth.

Manny, Jerry and Hitari then looked back to Nikki. "Nikki, hand him over the cards. We can still sell those robot heads, can we?", Manny asked Eli. "Sure, go ahead. I don't care. Just give me the cards.", he answered.

"Nikki! Give him the fucking cards!", the group yelled. "FINE!", Nikki shouted.
She picked up the memory cards and threw them to Eli and caught them. Hitari looks back to him and apologizes.
"We are so sorry for the inconvenience. Do you still seek revenge for your friend?", she asked.

Just let it go, Eli. It's not worth it. He still points his gun to Nikki. Come on, Eli! Would Robert wanted you to do this? He wanted you to be safe, right? Killing her will cause danger towards you. And me.

He then puts his gun down and inside the holsters. He put the cards inside the pouch of his vest. "I'll be taking my leave.", he said. He walks towards the broken window and jumped off, only to land inside the cockpit of the XRC. "Good job, Korra. Let's head back." They then left the area and headed back to the facility.

Back in the restaurant, Nikki falls on to her knees. Tears start to fill her eyes. "Don't worry, Nikki. You'll get him, next time.", Manny reassured. "I-I thought I was gonna get a huge score. I was gonna make him a part of us.", she said, wiping her tears away. "Not today, Nikki. Not today.", Manny comforts her.

Then, a person comes inside the restaurant with a huge bag full of metal scraps. She looks like Nikki with the only difference is the height and chest size. "Oof, what happened here?", she asked.
Everyone else in the room looked towards the source of the voice.

Back in the Facility

Eli put back the memory cards back to the Archives and ate dinner in the Food Quarters. Macaroni and cheese with bacon and a tall glass of milk. He sat on a table there. Alone. With no one to eat with. However, Korra thought of an idea to prevent his lonesome dinner time.

Eli, put the earpeace on the edge of the other side of the table.


Just do it.


He took off the earpeace and did what he was told. Suddenly, it showed a blue light and Korra herself, sitting, in a tang top and cargo pants, with the same dish as Eli in front of her.

Better? "Better. Thanks. For helping me back there." It's no big deal. I got your back. "No, really. What you said back there, made me realize. Just because I lost someone, doesn't mean I lost everything." He said. They both continued to eat together, and when they were done, Korra cane back to the earpeace and let Eli shower alone.

There, he soaked himself with the warm water, flowing from the top of his head to the end of his tail. He leaned over the tiles with his forehead, trying to take in the amount of troubles he went through in just one day. "What a day.", he said to himself. He took a bottle of shampoo and pour it on his palm. He rubs it all over his palms and then his head, chest, abdomen, private part, back, shoulders, arms, and legs. Eli then remembers about his tail.

"Oh, right. Tail.", he said. He poured another handful of shampoo and rubs it all over his tail. He rinses the shampoo with the warm water. After that, he turns of the shower and takes the towel and rub it all over him.

When Eli exit the shower room, a huge gust of warm air blew all over his body. "What the fuck was that?!", he cursed. "Well, I guess that's one way to dry a fully furred per-" POOF, goes his fur. The fox walked towards his quarters looking like a fur ball.

However, before he could step into his room, Korra's voice is heard through the speakers. Eli! They're back! They broke in through the ventilation... again. He sighed, "Shit."

Footsteps are heard down the hallway Eli is in as well. "ELI! I got you no-", before Nikki can finish that sentence, they saw him wearing nothing but a towel. He sighed again. "Not the best time, guys.", he said whilst holding the towel.

He looked at the group, knowing each and everyone of them but Hitari. However, he doesn't recall remembering another cat humanoid like Nikki, only taller. She spoke to Nikki, "Sis, you never told me he was hot!"


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