Chapter 5

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"Peggy- Peggy!" John and Eliza immediately went over to Peggy, John taking her in his arms. André stopped in the doorway.
"Sorry guys, but you shouldn't have trusted me in the first place." He ran out and down the street, Alex, Herc, and Lafayette chasing him.

Lafayette caught up to André first and tackled him, holding his hands behind his back.
Alex stood over André with his arms crossed. John looked up at him.
"You better tell us Peggy's okay and start explaining" Alex demanded.
"I've been with their gang for years now. I'm the reason they know so much about you guys. James called me right when he got the chance after the trial and told me to, well, poison the girl."
"Why? Why André?"
"After their offers how could I not?" Alex shook his head and turned around.
"Oh and Alex. Watch your steps, because every one of them are being watched."

"Peggy please wake up" John whispered repeatedly.
"The ambulance is on its way" Maria informed, hanging up her phone. Eliza wiped her eyes, tears blurring her sight. Peggy opened her eyes, mumbling nonsense and gibberish.
"Peggy, Margarita, can you hear us?"
"Are you okay? Can you see?" Peggy went into a horrible coughing fit, coughing up blood.
"J-John-n-Liza" she stuttered before passing out again.

"Hey, why so violent?" André asked.
"So you think that after poisoning our friend that we should be gentle with you?"
"Exactly." Alex opened the door, Herc carrying André back inside the bar, Lafayette following. John looked up at him. If looks could kill, André would be dead.
"If s-she dies, you're next."
"Don't worry, it's a slow working poison. She has at most 20 more agonizing minutes before her body shuts down." John didn't move. He didn't try to fight André or insult him. He didn't get angry. He just held Peggy and cried.

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