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Logan's P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch reading a book when Virgil walked into the room. He was wearing a fittingly tight black V-neck and purple ripped skinny jeans. I couldn't help but notice that Virgil wasn't wearing a hoodie, this was very peculiar of him. His shirt accented what little masculinity he had... Virgil put his headphones around his neck and asked.

"What are you staring at, nerd?!"

I felt my face grow warmer, I looked back down at my book and pushed up my glasses.

"N-nothing... Is there a reason for your lack of attire or are you just feeling... uh... peculiarly different?"

Virgil sank into the couch next to me, He put his headphones over one ear and left the other open so he could still hear me... 

My heart began racing, I felt as if I didn't know myself anymore, I have lost all control over my emotions! I needed help, and fast!

"Roman spit yogurt at me... I might've lost it and threw a couple of plates at him."

"Ah, I see... Roman can be a bit..."



Virgil laid down on the couch, His feet pushing up against my back. 

"It's a nice day, wanna go do something?" I asked trying to keep the conversation flowing.

"No, I just wanna be alone."

I laughed as I laid down on the opposing end of the couch.

"This is why we're friends!"

About a half-Hour passed and Virgil had fallen asleep, I slowly crept off the couch and ran into Roman's room... I figured he was the best one to help me with my dilemma, though... he isn't that smart.

"Oh, Greetings Nerd!"

I rolled my eyes, I had no time for ignorance right now, I had a problem and it needed to be solved!

"Whatever Roman, can you help me with a dilemma?"

Roman scratched the back of his head and said.

"Uh, sure... what's up?"

I placed myself on Roman's bed and began explaining.

"... and now every time I see this person, my heart races, I begin to blush, and I get this pit in my stomach... But, It's only when I see them, or talk about them." 

Roman began jumping up and down, I was confused... and a bit annoyed.

"Oh My Stars! You have a crush on someone!"

I cleared my throat and walked towards the door.

"Well, thank you Roman... you have helped me... Thank you."

I left Roman's room and went straight to my room, I sat in my desk chair and thought.

"Do I like Virgil?... This has to be a falsehood! Virgil is a dark, and... ugh what is wrong with me!?"

Maybe I could come to acceptance with having 'feelings' for Virgil... But, I had another dilemma, how would I confront him about this?

A/N sorry that this is a little short, future chapter's will be longer I promise!! ;)

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