Chocolate chip Pancakes

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A/N.. I have no ideas for the titles of these chapters so uh.. they might be a bit random.

Logan's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with Virgil cuddled into my chest and his blankets wrapped around us.

I smiled and held him tight. I heard Virgil groan and I looked down at him, he was awake and looking up at me.

I blushed and ran my hand through his hair.

"Good morning Verge."

Virgil smiled and lightly groaned.

"Mornings are not good.."

Logan tried not to smile as he watched Virgil hide inside of his blankets.

Logan stood up and rolled his eyes.
"Alright.. but you might miss out on chocolate chip pancakes.."

Virgil rolled his eyes and sat up, smiling.
"Alright.. I'll get up."

Logan smiled and kissed Virgil's forehead.

Virgil got out of bed and walked over to his dresser, Logan's eyes widened and he gasped.

"Virgil.. did you really sleep in your daytime clothes?"

Virgil shrugged as he pulled out another set of clothes, looking remotely similar to what he had on.

"Yeah, so?"

Logan scoffed and walked up to Virgil, putting an arm around him.

"Virgil, do you know how unhealthy that is..."

Virgil smirked but the smirk quickly faded.
"Yeah... you've said this before... Virgil, Your sleeping in all the germs you've collected throughout the day, all that bacteria.. yada yada yada who gives a shit."

Virgil turned towards Logan and glared at him.

"Now, unless you wanna get hit with a brick.. I suggest you leave so I can change my clothes."

Logan just nodded and slowly left Virgil's room, Immediatly walking over to Romans.

Logan felt as if he was about to cry, he walked into Romans room, closing the door behind him and leaning against.

Roman looked at Logan concerned and confused.
"Lo, You okay?"

A tear fell down Logan's cheek, he kept his gaze low and choked back tears.
"Roman.. do you think that maybe I'm to... uh... much."

Roman smiled and walked up to Logan, hugging him.
"I think the word your looking for is extra, and no.. your not to extra. Sometimes your nerdiness can get in the way of things, but that doesn't matter because we all love your neediness and we will work around those things."

Logan smiled and hugged Roman.
"Thanks, I promised Virgil Chocolate chip pancakes.. and uh, I can't cook.. soo.."

Roman smiled and nodded.
"I'm on it."

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