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Jimin quickly squeezed out of the crowd of fans in his way, saying his cute 'excuse me' on the way

He ran into Yoongi's arms and hugged the older tightly, tears streaming down his precious chubby cheeks.

Fans were completely in shock, all they knew was about Agust D comment into Jimin's post that made a big rumor that they were friends and all, but now, now they think they're dating. They covered their mouths with their hand and recording every single thing that's happening right now. They couldn't believe what they're seeing.

"I-I miss you.. I miss you, I miss you!" Jimin shouted in his arms, in a tone of a little kid. "I missed you too Jimin." Yoongi hugged him back tight as well, stroking his fluffy brown hair. He looked up and smiled in relief that he got to meet his Jimin. It was a very comfortable moment for the two, in each other's arms, just having that vibe of romance.
"I was being stupid I know, I'm sor-

"Shh, you weren't, I knew that you were doing that for me in the first place so why apologize anyway," Jimin hushed Yoongi in a calm way.

The older immediately grasped onto the younger's wrist, "We're staying in tonight." Yoongi said before running out of the station with Jimin, leaving the fans that were so emotional at the moment.

"What? Where are we-

"A luxury hotel" He said with his natural gummy smile, still running. Jimin's confused face turned into a wide grin, exposing two straight lines on what his eyes turned out to be, Yoongi fanboying hard in his mind, trying to keep it together but it was just too cute.

Once they both arrived, their hands were both intertwined, both of their glistening eyes gazing at the beauty of the big shiny hotel.

"Shall we?" Yoongi asked with a grin, as Jimin nodded happily.

As they both reached the counter, every person in the hotel whispering and whispering about the two, keeping their fangirling and fanboying state all together and try to act normally.

"H-Hello Agus- Sir," the lady at the counter shared her greetings.

"We both would like to check-in."

"R-Right! Um.." She said, her eyes switched to Jimin now looking down 'till his torso, biting her lip, as she saw Yoongi's arm at the way. "Would you mind not looking at his body and just tell us what kind of rooms are there? Please?" He suddenly snapped. Jimin chuckled.

"Y-Yes! Sorry. Um.. there's a room with a Single bed, A-A King S-Siz-

"We'll just take the most expensive one 'kay?" Yoongi cut her off, giving him what he needs to sign and all to check-in the room. Jimin just staring at both of their hands locked together and he smiled.


"Ready?" Yoongi questioned before opening the door, Jimin nodded with a happy 'yes'

He opened the room, seeing a king sized bed with a huge headboard, another room for the dining room, a big bathroom containing a toilet with a separate bidet, a huge bath tub beside the window showing them a beautiful view of the city.

"B-But Yoongi.." Jimin suddenly called.


"I didn't bring extra clothes.. and I-"

"Hey, don't worry about it and plus, they left us extra clothes at the closet 'cause I told them to." He grinned.

"Oh okay.. and what will I tell my parents?" Jimin said worriedly

"Aren't you like 21? Or something? You should atleast like do thing by yourself now, you're a grown man."

"How'd you know my age?" Jimin asked in confusion.

"Uhh, well.. you see, Namjoon.. H-He was being kind enough to-

"Dang you didn't even bother to ask me," Jimin frowned

"S-Sorry!! Don't frown please! Don't wanna see you sad" Yoongi said.

"Awww now isn't that so sweet of you, Yoongi." Jimin teased.

"F-Forget it," as Yoongi looked down in embarrassment

"What should we do now?" Jimin questioned, "W-Well.. Jimin.. You k-know.. w.. we can.."

"I'll sleep" Jimin instantly cut off Yoongi, sitting on the comfortable king sized bed, "o-Oh, then okay.." The older accepted, but he didn't want a Jimin to sleep just yet.

"Were you thinking of something else to do?" Jimin tilted his head. "W-What?! No.. no, it's okay.. you can slee—

Jimin cut him off again, but this time, it's not by words. The younger got up from the bed and instantly landed is soft pumped lips to Yoongi's. Him, closing his eyes slowly, being so caught up at how passionate and perfect this kiss is. Jimin's fingers start to run upwards at Yoongi's soft blue-ish yellow hair. The older's hands grasping onto his ass and carrying him to make Jimin's back lean on the bed. They let go to catch some air.

"It's finally time." Yoongi smirks

"Y-Yeah? To what, exactly?" Jimin let a lump on his throat, he knew what the answer was, he just wasn't sure enough.

Yoongi's hands start to run up the sides of his torso, inside his shirt, basically feeling Jimin's soft and muscular skin and body. Jimin resting his hands on Yoongi's thick and nerve-exposing arms. He breathes heavily and arches his back. Spreading his legs with Yoongi's small waist in between.

"To fuck, baby boy." The older whispers seductively in a raspy tone.

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