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A sound of knocking immediately shot Jimin's head up from being buried onto his knees, he quickly grabbed his hoodie and wore it with his hood on his head. Hesitantly walking towards the door due to his embarrassment of showing that certain person behind the door his puffy face still with tears strolling down. He wipes them quick before he grips onto that door knob, opening the door slowly.

"Jimin!" Namjoon shouts in front of him, with the other 3 boys behind, holding bags with food. He suddenly hugged the younger tight that's completely in confusion. "Are you okay?" The older asks immediately before pulling away. Looking at Jimin straight at the eyes, his red eyes start to be filled up with more tears, blurring his vision. His lips were apart, he was speechless, the 4 looking at him blankly as Namjoon's hands still resting at his small broad shoulders.

"Jimin?" The older asks.

"You okay man?" Jungkook asks from behind and peering through Namjoon's shoulders. "We got you your favorites chim!" Jin cheerfully says from behind as well, bringing up one of the plastic bags on his hand, showing Jimin clearly.

"I— Th-Thank you!" Jimin sobs, his face covered by his two small hands. "Anytime, Jimin." Namjoon says hugging the younger gently, the other 3 joining in. As Yoongi rests his back on the wall, looking at the 5, crossed arms and a small grin. Letting out a soft sigh.

Once the five let go, bright smiles were plastered on their faces, "Hey, don't just thank us, your boyfriend was the one that told us all this in the first place." Taehyung softly said with Jungkook's arm wrapped around his followed by the others nodding slightly.

Jimin turns around seeing his lover at his sight, a wide smile smiling together with his two eyes shaped as lines. Yoongi's eyes widen and lips becoming apart at such an adorable sight. Jimin quickly runs going to the older that stood straight from leaning back as soon as he saw the younger running towards him. Jumping onto the older's arms quick with no warning, Yoongi catching him on his arms weakly due to the sudden action.


Yoongi's lips were trapped on the younger's that's kissing him passionately,

Jimin's hands pressed on the back of his head making the kiss deeper and deeper. "I love you" Jimin whispers in between the kiss while catching air, "Love you more." Yoongi replies back then kissing him back deep again, their tongues exploring their own mouths. The older turns around to press Jimin's back on the wall for support of him carrying the younger.

The other 4 watching such a scene, Namjoon's arms around Jin's waist as he hugs him tightly like a teddy bear, resting his head on the younger. Jungkook giggling at Taehyung's little kisses around his face. The food on the floor waiting to be eaten.

"Yumm!" Jungkook says like a baby, licking his lips from eating his 3rd fried chicken. Taehyung squeezes his inner thigh as Jungkook flinches, "What'd you say baby boy?" The older whispers, enough for the other 4 to not hear only his baby boy. "Y-You're Y-Yu-Yummier.." Jungkook stutters from looking at his daddy that's dead glaring at him. "Just joking baby. Continue eating 'kay?" Taehyung chuckles while pinching the younger's cheeks that's stained with barbecue sauce playfully. As Jungkook's expression turned into a grin.

"Say aaaaaahh" Jin says with a spoonful of rice and a piece of beef at the side, facing Namjoon that's smiling at every spoonful of food that he receives from his lover. Namjoon taking that spoonful and munching happily with his chin resting on his palm, looking at how cute Jin eats.

"Do any of you guys know where Yoongi and Jimin went?" Taehyung asks while looking at the two empty chairs with two empty plates full of chicken bones laying on the table before the chairs.

"Yoongi-hyung said they're going out somewhere." Namjoon replies.

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