chapter 6

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At the hospital   ....

he was sitting by her side again, it was like he never left. Suddenly she slowly began to open her eyes, he gave a smile distraught and whispered her name. Olivia looked at him." El you´re still here." she managed to say weakly and smiled. " of course i am, how are you feeling?" " okey i guess just a little weak, what happaned?" " we lost you there for a few minutes Liv" " im scared El " she said with tears in her eyes. " don´t be, you are gonna be fine, im right here with you" he said holding her hand. A doctor comes in to  examine her. " I see that you e awake, how are you feeling  Mrs Benson?" "  weak" " that´s normal" , he was finally done with examine her. " how does it look doctor?" Elliot asked worrying " everything looks fine, you´ll be out of here in a few days tops" the doctor smiled "  Elliot and Olivia  felt a relief. " thanks doctor " Elliot said the doctor smiled and walked out and Elliot looked back at his partner " that was good news " she said in relief " yes, thank god... Liv? " " yes El" " i.." he was interrupted by the captain who just came in through the door. " Captain..." " Liv im so happy to see you we were all so worride about you. how are you feeling?" " im fine thanks cap" she said looking back at Elliot. " Elliot can you come out side for a second" Cragen orderd, so he did as he was told and steped out for a second leaving Liv. " what´s going on cap?" " we have a problem" " with what? the case?" "we... released him El i thought that you should now that "" what ! why he almost killed Olivia and you are just letting him go !" " we don´t have enough evidence" "  you have me, I am a witness I was there,that should be enough to convict him! " " we need Olivia´s testimony  in front of the judge, she have be in the court " " but they are not  releaseing her until a few days, take her testimony here and now" " we have to wait until she is ready i mean look at her she is in no condition to testify right now" Cragen  saw the anger in his eyes, he knows Elliot, he knows what he's capable of doing when he's angry " don´t do anything stupied El " " he is not getting away with this " Elliot said looking at Olivia through the window." he won´t we are gonna get him and he is gonna pay for what he did to her,  but the most important thing is that she is alive "they were both looking att her through the window................

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