chapter 7

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few hours later.......

" El before captain came in you were about to tell me something" Oliva said while opening her eyes, she felt his hand on hers and turned her head to look at him. "  yeah that.... it was nothing" he said looking down on their hands " oh come on El you can tell me im your partner " she whispered and then her eyes got stuck on their hands, and  that´s when she saw that he had no wedding ring on. he saw her noticing " im sorry i didn´t tell you " he said " how long ago " she asked and  saw the pain in his eyes, he was hurt ." a month ago" " im sorry ....El" he looked at her and gave her a smile " im fine Liv " " was that what you wanted to tell me?  that you are divorced " he looed at her " no .... that´s not ..." he was interrupted again by the door opened  but this time it was Fin who came in, and they both looked at him and Elliot  took his hand away from hers  " Oliva, i herad that you where wake, how are you feeling baby girl " " hi Fin, im gonna be fine thanks " she gave him a smile and in the same minute Munch came in through the door " i know you would make it through this Liv , it´s great to see you " Munch said with a smile. " thanks Munch and how did you knew that?" cause Liv  You are the strongest woman I know, besides you would never  let  Elliot be  alone or let anyone else have him" " shut up Munch " Elliot said and  smiled " no, but he is right " Olivia said looking at both of them, and then just at Elliot." I fought for him I know he wouldn´t cope without me and he is my partner, my best friend." she  closed her eyes for a moment then opened them and looked at Elliot who smiled. " come on Munch we have work to do, see you guyes later  " Fin said and they both walked out and colsed the door behind them......" so El tell me what you wanted to tell me, " no... it´s not the right time to tell, you need to rest Liv"  "  no El tell me is it about the case ?" " no it doesn´t have anything to do with that... it's complicated Liv" " Why? , El whatever it is, I will stand by your side you know that" " i know Liv... but can we talk about it when you are out of here please." " sure..." she closed her eyes and soon fell asleep......

3 days later....

Elliot grabbed a few things from her apartment for her, she was finally going home today..he arrived at the hospital,when he came to her room, he saw her trying to get up from the bed. He quickly opened the door, threw the bag on the floor and rushed over to her." what are you doing ? come on let me help you" " aw,aw,aw!! shit ! " " Liv you can´t do this to yourselfe" he said  and put his arms around her and helped her up, she was still in his arms, their eyes met " thanks " she managed to say. then she pulled him away from her. he picked up the bag with her ​​clothes off the floor and gave it to her.he saw how much pain she was in. " i I brought freshly washed clothes for you from your apartment lets get  you dressed" " hah thanks but i can do that by myselfe" she said and took the bag from his hands.she tries to walk but she's in so much pain she can barely move. he catches her before she falls and smiles. " i think you need help " "okay i do " Elliot takes the bag from her and puts it on the bed.   Then he helps her getting dressed " El,    why doesn´t  this feel weird ?" " what?" " this im naked, you are helping me getting dressed i mean you have never seen me like this but yet it feels like you have. I feel so comfortable around you " " maybe that´s because you know me for so long" he said, he just helped her with her Shirt and they were staring in into each others eyes. " yeah meybe, El please talk to me " " are you ready to go home?" he siad and was about to move when she grabbed him by the arm " no El not until you tell me what´´s going on" she said and  he turns around and looks down and then deep in to her eyes " ..... there i this woman, she... she  is amazing and beautiful i.. i think i love her"  those words broke her heart in two she felt like someone stabbed her in the heart with a knife and all she could do is give him a fake smile and act like nothing is wrong. " El that´s great that you are moving on, why is this complicated?" "because she doesn't know ....and we work together I dont wanna destroy what we already have" " and you wanted to tell me this why? you need my help ?"" yes I need advice I don't know what to do ... but can we talk about this at your place I really want to get out of here "  " yeah sure I'll help you in every way I can let's go " she smiled softly  and he helped her to the car .

20  minutes later .....

they were  sitting on her couch " tell me about her " Olivia asked even though  she didn't wanted to know" " she is smart, she knows me like a book, she knows exactly what to do to make me feel better when im down , she is great with kids , she is the reason why I want to go to work everyday" " wow she sounds amazing you should tell her " " I want to but what if she doesn't feel the same way" he was looking down on his hands and she placed her hand on his arm " hey El that's impossible,  you are the most amazing man i have ever met , you are warm hearted , you are sweet,kind and caring and not mention good looking it's easy to fall in love with you" he looked up at her he was surprised that though things came from her." how do you know that it's easy to fall in love with me?"Olivia leaned closer to his face, looked him deep in the eyes and placed one hand on his chest and letting the hand play with his shirt" because I fell in love with you" without saying anything he kissed her " you know I was talking about you " he said softly when he broke the kiss" " I know and i don't know how this is gonna effect our friendship and maybe things will never be the same again if we do this  but im able  to take that risk are you ?" he placed her for head against hers "  yes ...I love you " he breath out " I love you too always have always will" they stayed like that for a while " Ouch! shit"  Olivia yelled in pain and pulled away from him, Elliot was worried " Liv are you okey? " he was holding her " yeah it just hurts I wanna lay down"  she tries to get up but she cant it hurts to much" here let me help you to your bed  " he lifted her up  and carried her in  to her bedroom and laid her down on the bed he kissed her again " rest " " stay with me please" she said " im not going anywhere" he smiled and lays  next to her and pulls her in to his arms ............

hope you guys liked it so far :) comment please !!    Capter 8 coming soon :)

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