(15) LWW: To the Death

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Just to fair-warn you, Robin is a showoff and lazy when wounded.


Robin's body jumped as she felt power flowing through her veins but she could do nothing. Her eyes seemed to be sealed shut and her hands frozen. She tried to focus on one thing; opening her yellow eyes, but it wasn't working. She pushed every thought she had to open her eyes. Every memory of the way her eyes looked, the way they blinked in the sun, or closed for sleeping and opened for waking.

And her eyes opened. She stared at the canopy of trees high above and thought of standing to make them seem closer. Her legs moved and forced themselves under her. Then she thought of her hands holding her up for support and they moved along the tree bark and gripped at the nearest hand holds.

With all her thoughts controlling and limbs working Robin stood up fully. She stood there for as long as she dared. Her thoughts now looked into memories, memories of last night. The death of Aslan, the death of herself, the death of her friends that were bound to happen today. With that in mind Robin reached close to the roots of the tree and brought out her weapons. The bow and a quiver full of arrows, then her sword with the head of a panther.

Being ready to go, Robin shifted. Her bones doing what they always did when she morphed into her animal self. Once being fully transformed she ran forward. Her legs carrying her far from where she had died the night before. With the sun nearly at its highest position she rushed forward. Immediately when she hit the edge of the wood her body changed back to human. Her blonde hair blowing in the breeze that whizzed by. Her yellow eyes pierced the clearing before her. Empty, at least for now. Somewhere deep inside herself she knew that this was were the battle was going to be.

She knew she was right when a screeching roar sounded from above. She looked up to see one of the Griffins flying over. He gave another roar as Robin followed him with her eyes. He landed somewhere beyond her eyesight. She quickly trekked forward and stopped on a little incline that had blocked her view.

There standing upon a rock formation stood Peter upon Arod. Oreius stood beside him and the Griffin had just landed on the other side of Peter. Behind the three the mountainside was covered with creatures of Narnia.

Robin rushed forward, she ran until she was standing before Peter and Oreius. Peter was dressed in full armor, from the shinning metal helmet on his head to the steel point boots. The knight had his mouth part way opened as he stared at her. Robin just smiled.

"Well, don't just stare I need to know what we're up against." But Peter was lost for words. The Griffin flexed his wings and looked from the three, then back to Peter.

"They come, Your Highness, in numbers and weapons far greater than our own." The Griffin said, still a bit out of breath.

"Numbers do not win a battle." Said Oreius. "Welcome back, Robin." She smiled in return.

'No. But I bet they help." Peter said, still staring at Robin.

"Aw...don't lose hope, Peter." Robin said. "Oh, I need a horse, unsaddled please."


"Because maybe I want to fight like this, in human. Oh, and I want to ride bareback because I can work faster." Peter chuckled as Oreius called for an un-tacked horse. A grey dapple stallion was brought forward. Robin could see he was high spirited by the way his head was held high, and how Peter's mount became uncomfortable.

As the horse came up, Robin gave a small bow of the head. The dapple bowed back. Robin held out her hand and touched the middle of his head. The horse threw his head just a bit but calmed down after a quick 'shh...' whisper from Robin. "Easy boy." She cooed. "I'm Robin." The horse didn't reply.

"He doesn't speak, ma'am." Said the Faun, who had brought him.

"That's all right." She turned to the Faun. "What is his name?"

"Glade." He answered then scurried away. Robin smiled, she could feel the fear that was radiating off of this horse into everyone around them, but not her. She brought her own fear so, really he was just evened her out. Robin moved her hand from rubbing his jaw to his neck, then she walked to his side and rubbed his back.

"Glade." Robin whispered, putting her hands on his back she jumped. Glade gave a skiddish step forward but stood still as she became comfortable. Her hands ran through his black mane. She could feel Peter looking at her. So she returned it. "You ready?"

"I think so." He answered with a sweet smile.

There was annoying horn whistling from far in front of them. All they could see at the moment was a rock formation that stood higher than the rest of the land. Then slowly a small black dot appeared. It gave out a roar and the two white heads appeared. The heads of two polar bears, pulling a wagon with the Witch standing upon it. Around her neck woven into her dress was Aslan's hair. Lines upon lines of more shadowy figures appeared proving that the Witch's army was much larger than their own.

Peter looked back behind him, his eyes searching for one face. He quickly found him and Edmund gave a nod. Peter turned back around and gave a head shake as if this was crazy, then he drew his sword and raised it before him. A horn blew and the Narnians cheered.

The Minotaur roared again and the Witch's army cheered. The general gave another call and most of the opposite army charged forward. Peter, with his sword still raised, watched at the army of mismatches drew closer and closer, he bent his arm back then forward and the signal was sent. From high on the mountain Griffins flew down with boulders in their talons. The one beside Robin gave a caw and flew up to join his brothers.

When the Griffins were high above the approaching army they dropped their loads down upon them. The boulders hadn't been big but with how high and how fast the Griffins were, the impact on any creature killed them. Little Dwarves with bows and arrows aimed at their flying enemy and shot a few down before the flying creatures dispersed.

Peter turned to Robin then back to Oreius. "Are you with me?" He asked.

"To the death." Oreius replied.

"I second that." Robin jeered, although she cannot die, but of course he can. Peter nodded to both of them before turning back to the on coming enemy.

"For Narnia and for Aslan!" Peter yelled before his ride reared and kicked high into the air. Robin drew her own sword and cheered along with him. Glade pranced in place waiting for the command that would give him the running freedom. As the Unicorn came down it shot forward, with Oreius and Robin beside him.

The Narnians came down in a beautiful red 'V' with Peter at the front. Everyone was armed and ready to take back what was their's. Centaurs drew their long swords, Fauns their spears, Dwarves their axes and bows. and the great cats roared in rage. The Narnians were going to war.

The Centaurs running front lowered their spears and the leopards charged forward, as did the white tigers of Jadis' army. It felt as if the world became slow as everyone charged in closing the distance between them quickly. Peter lowered his visor as they came closer. Oreius drew two of his blades, and Robin swung her's around once. Then it all started.

Cats screamed, blades clanged, and cried roared. The battle for Narnia had begun.

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