1|| getting things started

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** A/N: there's a time skip between end of last chapter and beginning of this one

It was the day of the entrance exams, and even though I knew in my mind I wasn't nervous, I was still physically shaking. I had no doubts about how well I would perform, but my knees still felt like buckling, my teeth chattered as if I was cold, and I felt like tapping. I tried some breathing tricks to calm myself but they never work for me. 

I walked to the school since it wasn't too far, and so I would have the chance to get out some jitters. But as I step up and look at the big building in front of me, I feel intimidated. I was early and they hadn't opened the doors to let everyone in yet, but there are a few other people standing around as well, but I don't wanna try to make friends yet. Even if I see Midoriya, and manage to recognize him, I don't wanna try to talk to him just yet. I need to be alone, and to clear my head of anything that didn't concern passing the exam. 

When the school opened to let in all the possible future students, I was the first one inside. I chose a seat that was right in the front, so I could make sure to hear everything and be able to see, my least favorite thing was having to sit behind a tall person since I myself was short. I decide to mentally go over everything that I could guess would be on the written exam. I don't even think it would help to do so, because my brain was like a sponge, and I had trouble recalling little details until I had to write. I know the written exam wouldn't be a problem because I'm good in my studies, but that doesn't mean I'm sure I would get all the questions right either. Even though I declare myself to be smart, my mind does this thing where it just blanks, and I can't focus my mind on anything at all. 

I snap out of my thoughts because the instructor starts speaking and is incredibly loud and making me question my seating choice. Right away he starts giving us insights of what we are going to do. It was explained that different robot villains were going to be set up in the arena and we have to fight them, and their point values differed. I start to think about how I specifically am going to destroy them all when someone stands up and asks a question. I turn my head to look at them, and I can make out a stiff figure with a deep voice. After the question he singles out someone who seemed to have been chatting or doing something that he deems to be disruptive. I hope to never end up in the same room as that guy who spoke, because he wasn't someone I could find myself getting along with or enjoying the company of. His question was immediately answered and it made sense to have out 0 point villain bots. Before I know it we were being split up into groups and divided into different battle arenas. I look over at who was in the other groups, and I see who I think is Midoriya, unless other people have green curly hair. I turn back to follow everyone else in my group, and there's a really destructive looking, foul mouthed person. Note to self pt 2: stay away from that kid, too. 

They give us a countdown, and then we're all rushed into the mock city. To get ahead I will the ground beneath my feet on each step to shift into a rubbery, bouncy material so I could move farther with each step. I take the first left that was available, thinking that everyone will either stay in a straight path or take a right. I'm alone and immediately faced with a 2 point villain. I change the cement ground into a quicksand consistency and watch it sink. As soon as it lowered enough, I make the ground go soft and pick up a chunk, letting it harden again. I use the block as a spear, and crush it into the robot. As soon as I know it is immobilized, I run off, anticipating to do it multiple more times. 

I find that my initial tactic took a while and I'm not sure how much time I have left, and I'm starting to get point-hungry. I keep my makeshift spear by my side and alter myself to be bigger and taller. I learned this move when I first heard of Mount Lady, and wondered if it were possible for me to do something similar. I'm now easily as tall as the buildings, and I decide to hunt down more of the robots as quick as I could. From this height I have a major advantage that wasn't proving to be too successful because i can feel the energy draining from me to move that much matter so quickly. For the next few robots I try digging craters into the ground at the feet of the robots. It seemed to work pretty well and it isn't as tiring. 

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