Chapter 4

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(A/N: Nothing is seriously wrong with Colby! He just has a bad flu! I just had to put in something interesting. Okay enjoy.)

Sam's POV

I was sitting in the back seat with Colby's head in my lap. I was sitting at an angle to where my back was almost against the drivers seat.

"You need your seat belt." Colby said trying to reach for it.

"Hey don't worry I'm fine. Just stay calm." He threw up again on the way to the hospital. We definitely need to shampoo the back of the car now. We pulled up to the hospital. I grabbed Colby & carried him 'bridal style' into the ER with my mom next to me. 

"We need someones help please." My mom called out. It was so empty that our calls echoed. Someone appeared & had us enter. They had a gurney for me to set Colby on. They looked at my mom & me.

"Taking in another for awhile Mrs. Golbach?" They smiled. 

"Yes he just came home with us today. Out of nowhere he spiked a fever & started throwing up. His fever is 112."

"Well, we'll run a few tests but it sounds like the flu." Mom nodded & they started taking blood from Colby as soon as they got him into a room. He tried fighting them with the needles but I held his arms down. They also added in an IV of fluid because he was dehydrated. "The test will take a few hours." The doctor told us after the nurse finished taking his blood. Colby was fast asleep again.

"Sam. I'm gonna go clean the back of my car. Call me if the tests finish before I get back." I nodded. I looked at a clock & noticed it was 1:30 in the morning.

"Sam........." He mumbled. 

"Yeah Colby?"

"I don't like hospitals." I laughed. It was kinda obvious the way he reacted with the needles. They came in with something to reduce his fever & it took affect five minutes after they gave it to him. He was looking a lot more like himself. He still was throwing up every once & awhile. We were watching some random show on TV when my mom walked in.

"Anything?" She asked. She was quiet to not wake Colby who was asleep again.

"Haven't heard anything about the labs but they gave him fever reducers & he at least looks normal again. Hes still throwing up occasionally. But he seems to be getting better." I explained to her. She nodded. As soon as I finished the doctor walked in.

"The test are back. Its just the flu. I'll prescribe some fever reducers to keep the fever down & some anti-nausea medicine for the vomiting. The instructions will be given when you pick it up from the pharmacy. Sorry you had to wait 3 hours but we had another emergency come in that we needed to attend to. But hes fine. Just a really bad flu. Give him fluids & I'll write a note to keep him home the rest of the week."

"Um, I know Sam's not sick but I need a note for him too. I need someone to keep an eye on him & I can't stay with him." The doctor nodded.

"Yes ma'am. I understand. I'll write them both a note. Sam's will be different. A care taker type of note." She nodded as he wrote then handed the papers to her & we were aloud to take Colby home. I carefully lifted him from the bed not wanting to wake him since he had been up most the night. I placed him in the car & sat with him in a much safer position then before. When we got back to the house he was still asleep. I carefully took him to his bed & covered him up with a bowl next to him in case he needed to throw up again. I looked at the time. It was almost 5 in the morning. I turned off all the alarms set for the morning. I needed to sleep for a bit before I went to get work from the school. My mom came in my room later that morning. 

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