Chapter 13

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Sam's POV

Today we were going to visit all the guys & Devyn. Minus Elton. We got into Colby's car & he drove.

"You doing okay? You're being really quiet today."

"Just tired. I didn't really sleep well last night."

"I'm sorry. It might have something to do with the fact that you were asleep for weeks."

"No it has to do with the fact that I was in my bedroom where I tried to kill myself."

"Well it wasn't necessarily your bedroom it was your bathroom which is connected to your bedroom."

"Same thing." I sighed as we pulled up to the mansion. I walked in behind Colby.

"Where is everybody?" He said as we walked in.

"I swear to God if someone jumps out I'm punching them in the face." I called out. Then Corey & Aaron came out of the kitchen.

"HES ALIVE!" Aaron jokingly yelled.

"Sam guess who came to see you." Corey said smiling.

"Who?" Sam asked looking a little upset.

"JAKE!" Corey yelled as Jake walked out from the kitchen.

"Hey Sam how are you doing?" He asked me.

"Good. Its been awhile."

"It has."

"Have you meet Colby?" I asked motioning towards him.

"Yeah. He came over here once & I met him." He waved slightly & Colby did the same.

"Anyway are you doing better Sam?" Corey asked.

"Define better."

"Not trying to cut your wri........."

"Corey shut up!" Jake cut him off. "You don't ask someone that." He said.

"Sorry. I was curious." We all made our way to the living room. We sat there talking for a few minutes when Elton came in.

"Oh hey Elton." Aaron said when he came in the living room.

"Who wants to film an overnight?" He said clapping.


"Tonight!" Corey, Colby, & I agreed to go but he didn't tell us where we were going. We all went home to get ready.

"Sam are you sure you want to go tonight?" Colby asked sitting on my bed while I was changing.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I over heard Elton saying it was at this place called Suicide Bridge? I'm not sure what that is but it sounds bad."

"Oh. Its this bridge about 20-25 minutes from here that a bunch of people jumped off of to kill themselves."

"Why would we go there?"

"I don't actually know. That's a question for Elton. He loves going to crazy places."

"Well Sam. You just got back from the hospital. I really don't think this is the best idea."

"I'll be fine. I promise." Colby finally relaxed & we finished getting ready for the night.

"So what exactly what do we do at an overnight?" He asked once we got back into the car.

"We just chill really see if we can catch creepy stuff on camera stuff like that."

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