Chapter 18

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A/N: You've wanted it so I'm going to give it to you. At the end-ish of this chapter there will be a smut scene. Its gonna be bad because even though I read plenty of Solby smuts I'm not good at writing them because its so awkward but I'll make it as best I can. Fair warning I'm using DDLB a little bit I tried to at least. I love y'all enjoy my pain & suffering. 

Sam's POV

"What do you mean?" I asked stepping closer to him.

"Stay back Sam. I'm not safe." He stepped back holding his hand out signaling me to stop. Brennen was awkwardly watching.

"Colby your perfectly safe. I've known you for almost a year. You're not dangerous. The only thing you are is perfect." I said taking a couple more steps toward him. He continued to walk back.

"No. Sam I'm not. I haven't been completely been honest with you. He stopped moving back & sat back on the curb where he was. We noticed cars had started coming so Brennen moved our cars while I sat with Colby.

"What haven't you told me?" I asked rubbing his back slightly.

"I didn't leave my old school just to get away from my parents. I got kicked out. I got in a fight with about 5 or 6 football players & messed 'em up pretty bad." He sighed.

"How bad?" I asked.

"They all had to be kept in the hospital for at least one night." He said putting his head in his hands. "Parents wanted to press charges so I left. Nobody cared enough to track me down so I knew it was the best idea." He said. I could feel his breathing start to stagger. I knew he was crying. I pulled him closer to me by his waist.

"What else happened?" I asked knowing there was more.

"Well, I didn't come straight here. I went to the place in Oklahoma (A/N: Its the first place that came into my head). It was worse there." He said not wanting to tell me.

"What did you do?" I asked very curiously. 

"Well, neither of the fights here were my fault. Neither was the other one. There were 3 before I had to leave again." He sighed looking at me. I nodded at him to continue. "The first one this guy came up to me. It was my first day. He pushed me against the lockers. He wanted me to know 'who the boss was.' I didn't care so I kneed him in the gut to get him to let me go. I didn't use a lot of force just kneed him so he'd get off. After that he punched me square in the face. I don't deal with that so I fought back. I broke his nose, arm, & he fractured his own wrist. The school watched the cameras & I didn't get in trouble for that one. The next was after I was there for about week. Some girl was being nice to me & talking to me. I wasn't talking to her though. I wasn't going to lead her on or anything. Well apparently she took my silence as me saying 'meet me in my car after school.' She hid in the back seat & I didn't even know. I'm not gonna talk about what she did. But the next day at school she told her boyfriend I forced myself on her & we fought. I lost that one because it was 10 against one & they came at me from behind. The last one I had been there for 2 months. I was standing at my locker minding my business when some girl came out of nowhere & kissed me. I was surprised & I lightly pushed her. So she would stop." He stopped & looked down.

"Its okay Colby." He was crying.

"I barely touched her & she pretended to fall like I had hurt her. Well some guy seen & apparently didn't like me 'abusing' girls so when he was calmly talking I snapped. He said & I quote, 'Fags like you shouldn't be here abusing these girls.' I hit him first with that one & he was in the hospital & I ran off again here. I made a promise to myself I'd never change. Always keep my guard up & not talk to anyone. But when I was driving to the school. I seen the most perfect looking blonde boy walking alone. He looked popular but lonely. I never thought I'd meet him but I did & thats when I promised myself I wouldn't get myself kicked out of this school." He finished looking at me. "As soon as I seen you I knew my goal would be to find you & get to know you. Now look at us Sam. I was trying to save you. I don't want to hurt you like I hurt your dad last night." I had tears rolling down my face & he did as well. Brennen was sitting next to us unsure of what to say.

"Colby you could never hurt a fly." I said grabbing his hand. (A/N: I know I'm putting a lot of these in! But right here is what I was writing when my friend told me this story was ranked #4 in Solby! Y'all are amazing & this story wouldn't be here without you! I love y'all infinitely).

"But I have." He said as soon as I finished my sentence. He pulled his hand away throwing it in the air.

"Look we've been together for almost a year. Have you ever layed a hand on me that could purposely harm me?" I asked knelling on front of him hoping a car wouldn't come because I was on the street.

"No. I don't think so."

"Exactly. You've changed. People can change if they want to. You had to if wanted to. You obviously did." I smiled slightly grabbing both his hands in mine. "I'm here for you Colbs. How about we go home & relax today?" I suggested.

"How about we move our stuff then relax?" My face lit up. I agreed. We thanked Brennen & agreed to hang out with him soon. We went to my car & drive to the house. When I opened the front door Mom rushed over.

"Colby! You're okay! Where have you been? I've been worried sick!" She said hugging him.

"Mom don't worry. Hes fine. Everything's fine now." I smiled rubbing his shoulder. She just said a small okay & we went into our room. I was about to ask Colby if he wanted to move the suitcases or boxes first but he pinned me against the wall silently. He connected our lips in a very passionate kiss. He didn't wait long before heating it up. He tapped my thighs signaling me to jump. I jumped wrapping my legs around his waist. We never broke the kiss. Colby held me up with one arm as he locked the door with the other. He laid me on the bed softly & sat up taking off his shirt I took off mine as well. He then climbed on top of me. He had one hand holding him up & the other on my waist. He connected our lips again. He used his hand that was on my waist to pull my closer to him. He was grinding on me & I was moaning lightly into the kiss. He licked my lip asking for entrance. I willingly gave it to him. Our tongues fought for dominance as Colby continued to grind on my hardening member. He moved down to my neck. Small moans escaping my lips.

"Do you like that baby?" He asked almost in a teasing tone.

"Yes Daddy. Faster please." I moaned out. He growled as I called him Daddy. He started going faster & I wanted more friction. I tangled my hands in Colby's hair. He smiled against my neck. He bit down causing me to gasp. He started to kiss down my chest until he got to my pant line. I tightened my grip on his hair signaling him to go further. He started to unbuckle my pants. I was already very hard. He slid down my pants I heard Colby groan at the size of the tent in my boxers. He slowly slid them down & started to rub me. My light moans turned into deep groans. After a while he stopped giving me a hand job & started sucking me. I was dying. A good type of dying you know?

"Daddy............. I'm about to cum." I whined quietly.

"Let it go baby boy." He said in a deep very sexy voice. He started sucking me again. I came in his mouth. I then flipped him over.

"Your turn." After he came we got up & dressed again to take our stuff to the mansion. (A/N: Last one for this chapter. I'm sorry. You have full permission to murder me. I'll set up a time & place in Florida feel free to come kill me). We got all our stuff in our room & Colby fell on the floor. "Are you dead?" I asked. 

"Yes." He mumbled. I decided to get on the floor with him. He didn't react to me rubbing his back. I then decided I was gonna lay on top of him. "WHY!?" He groaned out.

"Because 2 reasons. 1. Your comfortable & 2. You have a bed yet your laying on the floor." After a few minutes we moved onto the bed just relaxing for the rest of the day.

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