Chapter 12

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Colby's POV

I've been sitting by Sam's bed side for hours. Nothing has changed. I haven't left this chair for hours. I'm to scared to leave him alone for a second.

"Sammy, I'm not leaving from this spot. Okay? I get that you can't control when you wake up,, or at least I don't think you can, but I want you to know I'm here whenever you wake up. I'm not leaving this chair. Well maybe to use the restroom & shower but besides that I'm not leaving your side. Whenever you wake up I'm going to be right here." I started crying. I've been holding Sam's limp hand for hours. I talk to him every so often whenever I feel like something might change or I need to say something. Ms. Golbach came in a few minutes later.

"Hey Colby. We need to go home."


"Colby come on. You can't stay here." She said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes I can." I pulled my shoulder away.

"Sweetie, visiting hours ended a long time ago. They would like us to leave."

"I'm not leaving. I'm staying here until Sam's awake!" I said raising my voice a little. "You leave if you want. I'm staying."

"Colby. Please come home with me."

"NO! I'm staying right here until he wakes up. Sorry for getting loud but I'm not leaving." I sighed.

"I'll see you in the morning then." She walked out of the room. I layed my head next to Sam on the bed.

*A few weeks later*

I haven't left this hospital in weeks. Summer started. Thankfully Sam & I had enough credits to pass this year already. Sam's mom comes by when she isn't working to check on him. I was asleep on the edge of Sam's bed when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I woke up & noticed Ms. Golbach standing behind me with tears in her eyes.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"They said he should've woken up by now (HES NOT GOING TO DIE DON'T WORRY ITS FOR DRAMA). If he doesn't wake up in 2 weeks they have to pull the plug." She cried harder.

"Sam come on. You need to wake up. I love you so much & I can't loose you." I started crying. "I won't loose you." I moved some hair out of the way of his face.

"Sam baby. Please wake up." She cried behind me. The doctor walked in.

"Ma'am. We need you to come fill out some paper work." He said standing in the doorway. "Come with me please." She followed him out the room.

"Sammy. Listen to me. I need you to fight really hard to wake up. These people are going to let you die in 2 weeks if you don't wake up. Just squeeze my hand if you can hear me. Wait, you can't. DAMN IT! Sam please. You're worrying me so bad. Please wake up. Its been weeks since I've feel your arms around me. Your lips on mine. You asleep in my arms. I miss you. I love you. I need you. Sam if you die. I will kill myself." I felt his hand slightly tighten around mine before going limp again. I looked up & his eyes were open. I hit the nurse button like a million times before a nurse came in. "Hes awake." He had a tube in his throat which she removed & checked the scars on his wrists. Then she walked out. He coughed a few minutes. I gave him some water.

"I'm hungry." He mumbled. I laughed.

"God Sam I love you so much!" I kissed him. He kissed back briefly. Until we heard his mom clear her throat. "Sorry."

"Sam I'm so happy you were awake!" She said kissing him on the forehead. "We need to have a serious conversation abo......."

"Mom. Please don't. I know what I did was stupid."

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