Chapter 23

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Sams Mom's POV

Sam thinks this whole thing is his fault but it's truly not. A lot could be triggered this. The hospital shouldn't have released him so soon. It's their fault more then any ones. Sam is still on the floor but he moved up against the wall. He has his knees to his chest staring into staring into space. I wasn't sure how to convince him it wasn't his fault. He wouldn't listen. It's like every time I tell him it's not his fault someone is whispering in his ear the opposite.

Sam's POV

It's all your fault. I know. You should die not him. How? There are many ways. Your in a hospital. My mom will stop me. She doesn't care. Your right. So go. I got up & walked towards the exit. I ignored my mom calling after me & stopped once I was outside. I was thinking about where to go. Suddenly someone touched my shoulder causing me to jump really bad.

"Hey. Come back inside Sam." She led me back inside. "Talk to me sweetie. What's wrong?"

"I deserve to die. Colby should live. I should die not him." I looked into her eyes that were sad.

"Sammy, don't say that. Neither of you are dying. I can't go through this again. Not with you." She placed a hand on my cheek. "You were never this way before."

"No mom I was! I kept it all bottled up because your divorce, then us losing Ben & Alison, then Colby moving in with us. I stopped myself from expressing my problems to you or anyone because someone had to be strong when you weren't then it just felt natural!" I said not loudly but now crying.

"Sam I'm so sorry. But you could've always come to me. I know when the divorce started I closed myself off from you & the girls. I figured there was no point. But when you took over & I really noticed I realized I was still a parent. I'm sorry." She said softly.

"That's not the point mom! When I started getting more & more depressed you didn't notice! You never did! You seen your perfect son. Mom do you know how people see me at school? They call me a bad boy cause I'm quiet & mysterious. But mostly because I'm depressed!" She had tears on her cheeks. I got up & started walking away. But then I stopped. I heard my mom choke out a sob but then I heard a doctor.

"Ms. Golbach?" The doctor spoke softly. I turned around. "We have news on your son." She looked at them & I rushed over. The doctor continued. "He will be alright but he has to stay here this week. He's in recovery & when he's moved to his room I will so you will be able to go to his ro-" I interrupted him.

"Me not her." The doctor nodded.

"Okay. So I will come get you so you can come to his room. He's allowed one visitor for a couple of days." My mom & I both nodded. The doctor then walked away. My mom & I were left in silence.

"Sam-" She started.

"Please don't." I stopped her holding back tears.

~An Hour Later~

Colby was finally in his room so I was heading up to visit with him even though he was still asleep from his surgery. I finally arrived to his room & walked in quietly. I sat down in the chair next to his bed. He looked so peaceful.

"Hey Colbs. I'm here." I whispered. I placed my hand on his. He would wake up soon but the anxiety from all this hasn't left my body yet. I leaned my head against my hand keeping my eyes on Colby.

Colbys POV

I woke up & it was white. White walls. White roof. White floors. I looked in towards the walls next to me. I seen Sam peacefully sleeping in the chair next to me.

"Sam?" I tried to get out but it was cracked & dry. I seen a box of tissues that I could reach so I grabbed them & threw them at Sam. He woke up scared. He seen me awake & his eyes lit up.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Water." I said with the same cracked voice. He nodded & grabbed the cup of water on the other side of the room. I drank it kinda fast. "Thanks." I said my voice sounding slightly better.

"No problem."

"Is Caysey okay?" He smiled.

"She's fine." He laughed.

"What's funny?" I asked him.

"You almost died but you ask about Caysey. You have such a kind heart." He said sitting back down.

"Well all I remember is setting her down & I was worried about her but I couldn't hold her from the pain."

"Why didn't you call for someone?" He asked softly.

"I tried. The pain was to much for me to say anything. You know?" He nodded understandably & yawned. "How long were you asleep?" I asked him.

"Not even an hour before I was attacked by a tissue box." He chuckled.

"You should go home & rest. I'll be fine here I guess."

"No. I know you don't like hospitals & when I was in the hospital you didn't leave my side. I'm doing the same for you."

~Not Even an Hour Later~

Sams POV

"Sir visiting hours ended about an hour ago. You have to leave." The nurse said.

"Look I already told you. The only way I'm leaving this room without him is to go to the morgue cause I died! I'm not leaving. Kiss my a-" A doctor walked in before I could finish my sentence. I stopped talking.

"What's going on here?" He asked.

"I'm not leaving." Is all I said.

"That's fine. You don't have to. I just came to check Cole's vitals & everything for the night." He said walking towards Colby as the nurse walked out.

"Its Colby." Colby told him as the doctor listened to his heart. He nodded.

"Okay Colby can you sit up as straight as you can for me?" The doctor placed a hand lightly on his back to help him sit up. "Okay I'm gonna need you to take deep breaths for me." He placed the stethoscope on different parts of Colby's back as he took deep breaths. "Okay you can lay back again." Colby then slowly layed back down. "What's your pain on a scale of 1-10? 1 being no pain at all 10 being unbearable."

"Um right now its probably a 5 or 6. I'm pretty sure I'm on some time of pain killer." The doctor looked at the chart confused.

"No. This chart says they haven't given you any form of sedation except amnesia & no medications are allowed until tomorrow." He said. Colby nodded. "Okay I need to take your blood pressure. Take some blood & that's about it."

"No! No needles!" Colby said very strictly.


"No! I hate needles & I'm not having them stabbed into my arm again!"

"Hey. I'll do it with you okay? I'm not a fan of needles either." (A/N: Just found out this story is ranked #20 in Solby! I love y'all). He sighed.

"Fine I'll do it." He gave up letting the doctor do what he had to do.

A/N: SO GUYS! I wanted to post this like last week but I forgot. So this story is coming to an end........ There's 2 more chapters then I'm doing a sequel. So yeah. THE NEXT 2 CHAPTERS ARE STRAIGHT UP DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!! Then we will watch the sequel unfold. Comment what you want the sequel to be called. I can't decide between New Beginnings or Just the Start. Comment what you think or if you have a whole other idea. SHOUTOUT FROM CHAPTER 21:
They answered the question in the authors note. Y'all are awesome! Love y'all!

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