Chapter 22

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Colby's POV

I had Sam asleep in my arms when I heard a very loud knock down stairs & it kinda scared me. It was so sudden. I heard the door open then Corey shouted.


"Its not in here. Its outside." Jake joked.

"No Jake seriously. I don't want it here!" Sam started to move around in his sleep.

"Whats going on down there?" He mumbled.

"Not sure." I said tightening my hold on him. He smiled weakly.

"How long have I been asleep?" He mumbled almost asleep again.

"Not even an hour. Go ahead & go back to sleep." I kissed the top of his head & he nuzzled into my chest as best he could & fell right back asleep. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand & was scrolling through Instagram. The yelling between Jake & Corey was still going on so I sent Corey a text.

Shut the fuck up already! Sam's sleeping & your gonna wake Caysey!

I then heard footsteps coming upstairs. Then Corey came in.

"Guess what Jake fucking did!" He said whisper shouting.

"What?" I said not really caring just wanting them to shut up & not wake Sam.

"He ordered a fucking Dybbuk box! He had it sent to this house! Hes crazy!" I was a little shocked.

"Well look, go somewhere else to argue cause I swear to God if you wake Sam or Caysey I'll hurt you both."

"Okay jeez." He left the room & the yelling seized. I sighed.

"Thank God." I finally can relax. I had just closed my eyes when I heard Caysey. Are you kidding me? She screamed really loud causing Sam to wake up kneeing me in the stomach.

"OW! Son of a bitch!"

"Oh my God! Colby I'm so sorry!" Sam said.

"Its fine."

"I didn't mean to I swear!"

"Its fine Sam. I just have to say. OW! Cause that did hurt!" He leaned down & kissed me sweetly. But then Caysey screamed again. Sam got up to take care of her. I went into the room & stood up against the door frame watching Sam with Caysey. "Your gonna make a great Dad someday." He jumped slightly not knowing I was watching him.

"You should be in bed resting." He smiled & blushed deeply at my comment.

"I've been in bed resting all day." I told him.

"Colby. You've been up for an hour & a half." He said putting a now sleeping Caysey back into her crib. Thankfully Sam's mom was picking her up in like 20 minutes.

"I just don't want to be in bed all day. You know?" He sighed.

"I understand that. But I just want you to heal. To get better. You know?" He said wrapping his arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I kissed him briefly.

"I feel fine Sam. I'm at least gonna go downstairs." I said walking away & towards the stairs. I still had on no shirt. I was wearing some sweatpants that hung low on my waist. I went & sat on the beanbag. Jake, Aaron, & Corey were all there on the couch playing Rocket League. There was a light knock on the door as Sam was coming downstairs so he answered it.

"Colby?" He called. I got up & walked to the hallway. "Can you go grab Caysey?" I nodded & made my way upstairs. I seen Caysey laying in her crib. She was awake but content with sitting there. I picked her up carefully & was making my way towards the door when I got a sharp pain in my stomach. I fell to my knees. I tried yelling for Sam but I couldn't get it out. I sat Caysey on the ground & clutched my stomach in pain.

"Ugh!" I groaned. I wish one of the roommates were up here. I ended up passing out.

~About 10 minutes later~

Sam's POV

"Sam I have to go. I'm running late for my friends Christmas party." My mom said.

"Let me go see what's going on." She nodded. I jogged upstairs & heard Caysey giggling. I walked towards my room. When I turned the corner I seen Colby's arm completely limp on the floor. "Colby!?" I said not to loud. I rushed over to him & seen his completely limp body that looked super pale. "SOMEONE CALL 911!" I called out. I heard footsteps come upstairs. It was my mom.

"Oh God." She said. She kneeled down next to me. I had tears rushing down my face. My mom reached out & felt for a pulse. "He still has a pulse. Its weak but it's there. That's good. Sam you need to calm down for me. Okay honey?" I nodded slightly trying to calm my tears. By this time all the roommates were surrounding us. I noticed Caysey laying on the floor. I picked her up to kinda distract me but it didn't work. When the paramedics came I gave Caysey to Corey as my mom & I followed the ambulance. I was a nervous wreak. The ride to the hospital was silent. You could hear our hearts beating as if it were a drum beat. When we got there we rushed inside & we had to sit in the waiting room. I wasn't sitting though. I was pacing. The doctor came out about 20 minutes after we got there.

"Anyone here for Cole Brock." I rushed over. "Okay so we had to take him back into surgery. Something happened to disrupt the healing of the first surgery but he will be fine." He then walked away. I fell to my knees. Even though it was slightly good news. My mom rubbed my back.

"Sam this is a good thing." I nodded no.

"This is all my fault." She looked at me confused. "I was sleeping earlier today. Colby wanted me to lay with him & I fell asleep. But I heard Caysey cry when I woke up I accidentally kneed Colby in his stomach. It's all my fault Mom."

"Sam anything could've caused this. Even just walking."

"No mom! It's all my fault! He almost died because of me!" I almost yelled. "He still could die because of me."

A/N: So I decided to not so the update marathon cause it would take WAY long. So yeah. Uh love y'all new chapter hopefully coming out soon.

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